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Nepisiquit Centennial Museum & Cultural Centre
Bathurst (Nouveau-Brunswick)
Région touristique : Chaleur

Museum and Cultural Centre


Bathurst Pulpwood Industry,  01 mars 2006 au 31 décembre 2006,  Exposition


Renseignements sur les collections
Collections include W. J. Kent & Co. Ltd. W. J. Kent came to Bathurst circa 1850, discovered manganese for mining but failed and became a farmer and an entrepeneur whose business survived until 1990 under the title Kent Enterprises Ltd.
Music Colletion: Collection of artifacts pertainting to music and particularly life and times of Charlie Chamberlain who came to fame with Don Messer and was on CBC television for 10 years. 1953-1963. Also other local musicians.
Pharmacy Collection: Two drug stores significan to Bathurst, Peppers Drug Store and Veniot's Pharmacy. Artifacts from this collection is spectacular.
John Leger Collection: John Leger came to Bathurst, NB from Bouctouche, NB. in 1895 and built 3 hotels, brought theatre to Bathurst (silent movies) and in 1900 harnessed Tetagouche Falls and brought electricity to the Village of Bathurst.
Sports Collection: Includes the life and times of Mrs. Mae MacMurray who was inducted into the national sports hall of fame in Winnipeg in 1976 for curling.
A second curler, also inducted, was J. Nick Thibodeau, also of Bathurst. The collection includes skating, boxing, hockey, golf, etc.
Sir James Dunn Collection: The Sir James Dunn collection includes the life and times of James Dunn, born and educated in Bathurst, graduated from Dalhousie University, borrowed $10,000 and bought a seat on the Montreal Stock Exhange. He was benefactor to the Town of Bathurst, in that he provided funding to build a hospital (1911-1953) and a sanatorium for tuberculosis persons. In his career he ventured to England where he performed three extrodinary deeds for the King of England before WWI. Because of these feats, in 1921 he was knighted and became Sir James Dunn.
Miscellaneous Collection: In this collection will be found such artifacts as a brass baggage tag from 1867 from the Inter-Colonial Railway. A second item is the book of sonnets written by Charles G. D. Roberts to a classmate in Bathurst in 1893 before he became Poet Laureate of Canada, and was titled Sir Charles G. D. Roberts. This collection also includes native beadwork and basketry circa 1850.from local natives.

Nombre d'objets ou spécimens dans la collection : 1500

Heures d'ouverture et droits d'entrée

Période : Toute l'année  Sur rendez-vous  Saisonnière 
The Museum is opened from May to Sept. 7 days a week and on three evenings through the rest of the year the Museum is open 5 days a week and always by appointment
Ouvert : From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm daily
Fermé : on Sat. & Sun through Sept to May and on Stat holidays unless appointments are made.
Droits d'entrée : Gratuite

Nepisiquit Centennial Museum & Cultural Centre
360 Douglas Ave.,  Bathurst (Nouveau-Brunswick)
Téléphone :   506-546-9449
Télécopieur :   506-545-7050

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Dernière mise à jour : 2006 02 21