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Craft Council of Newfoundland & Labrador
St. John's (Terre-Neuve et Labrador)

The Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador is a member-based organization that works to maximize the artistic and economic potential of the craft community of the province.


Internal Landscapes,  26 février 2006 au 24 mars 2007,  Exposition


Renseignements supplémentaires sur les activités

Renseignements sur les collections
Our permanent collection contains craft of the province, both traditional and contemporary.
Nombre d'objets ou spécimens dans la collection : 150

Our archival collection consists of photos and slides of craft, craftspeople and craft events of the province.

Arts décoratifs
Our permanent collection contains craft of the province, both traditional and contemporary.
Céramique, porcelaine ou poterie • Meubles ou mobilier • Ferronnerie, argenterie ou orfèvrerie • Textiles ou tapisseries

Our collection includes a limited number of fine craft works.
Culture: Canadienne
Période : Contemporaine
Médium : Sculptures

Renseignements supplémentaires sur nos collections

Craft Gallery, Craft Shop, Clay Studio, Craft & Art Studio Guide, Craft Fairs, member services, Permanent Collection

Services de recherche
Resource center, access to permanent collection, educational kits, research completed in conjunction with specific projects and Gallery shows
Dossiers d'archives • Bibliothèque • Diapothèque

Programmes éducatifs
Clay classes, Gallery presentations, educational kits, special projects for elementary school children in conjuction with Gallery shows and projects
Programmes pour les écoles : 5-11 ans (Maternelle à 6e année) • Cours ou ateliers • Démonstrations • Causeries • Développement professionel

Services aux visiteurs
The Devon House Craft Centre, the home of the Craft Council is a showcase for the finest handcrafted works of the craftspeople of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Council’s Shop and Galleries are located within the Centre, as are a teaching Clay Studio, and project and administration offices of the Craft Council.
Visites guidées : Anglais • Près des transports en commun • Centre d'information • Location de salles de réunion • Stationnement : Gratuit • Boutique • Toilettes

Services de bénévoles
Services de bénévoles offerts
Tâches :  Volunteers can assist in all aspects of the Craft Council projects. For instance, the Friends of the Gallery program involve volunteers in fundraising projects and gallery events.

Avantages d'adhésion
Craft Council members have access to programs ranging from professional services in the areas of marketing, exhibition and professional development to public education and industry promotion.

Services Internet
Renseignements généraux  •  Collections  •  Activités  •  Expositions virtuelles  •  Éducation  •  Boutique  •  Autres services Internet  • 

Renseignements supplémentaires sur nos services

Publications et produits

Cartes postales • Bulletins d'information • Brochures • Trousses pédagogiques

Heures d'ouverture et droits d'entrée

Période : Toute l'année 
Ouvert : Winter Hours: Mon-Sat, 10-5; Sun, 1-5
Summer Hours: Mon, Tues, Sat, 10-5; Wed-Fri, 10-9; Sun, 12-5
Fermé : closed on provincial shop closing days
Droits d'entrée : Gratuite

Craft Council of Newfoundland & Labrador
59 Duckworth Street,  St. John's (Terre-Neuve et Labrador)
A1C 1E6
Téléphone :   709-753-2749
Télécopieur :   709-753-2766

Courriel :

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Dernière mise à jour : 2006 09 02