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H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique)

The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, featuring state-of-the-art, interactive exhibits, shows, and demonstrations, was opened in October 1997. Features include the Virtual Voyages™ full-motion simulator, the GroundStation Canada demonstration theatre and the Cosmic Courtyard hands-on exhibit gallery. The H.R. MacMillan Planetarium, which opened in October of 1968, remains the cornerstone of the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, presenting multimedia shows on space and astronomy.

Other resources include the Gordon MacMillan Southam Observatory – celebrating over 20+ years of showing stars to the citizens of Vancouver.

The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre is a non-profit community resource that brings the wonder of space to Earth, while providing a personal sense of ongoing discovery. Through innovative programming, exhibits & activities, our goal is to inspire sustained interest in the fields of earth science, space science and astronomy.


 Name A Star Program,  01 janvier 2002 au 31 décembre 2010,  Inauguration de produits


Renseignements sur les collections
The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre has an international collection of space artefacts and models on loan from the Canadian space program, Smithsonian Institute, Canada Science & Technology Museum, NASA, the Russian and European space programs as well as private sector companies.
Nombre d'objets ou spécimens dans la collection : 55+

Canada's premier space science and astronomy facility has four unique components: H.R. MacMillan Planetarium, Groundstation Canada Theatre, Virtual Voyages Motion Simulator and the Cosmic Courtyard exhibit gallery.

Programmes éducatifs
School Programs
The Space Centre has an extensive field trip program for K-12. More than 40,000 students participate annually. Field trips consist of planetarium presentations, science demonstrations, hands-on workshops, interactive exhibitions and a virtual voyage ride.

Outreach Programs
The Space Centre offers an overnight adventure program, space camps, and Sharing Space, an innovative new career preparation / mentorship program for high school students.

We also organize The Great! Mars Rover Race, a high school design competition, where students are challenged to design, build and race a Mars Rover.

The Space Centre is the coordinating organization for BC and Alberta for Canadian National Marsville. Marsville is an innovative, national program that involves students grades 4-8 in the design of an imaginative future civilization. A multi-layered program, Marsville is cross-curricular and challenges students to think creatively and work in teams to solve various hazards they face in a unknown, often hostile environment on Mars. This past year, The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre coordinated the efforts of 22 classes from 15 different schools from BC and Alberta. A record 550+ students were involved.

The Space Centre also takes our programs into the community. We offer Starlab workshops in our portable planetarium for schools, community and corporate groups. Our Community Astronomy program, a travelling lecture and star gazing program, takes our portable telescopes into parks and campgrounds throughout the province.

Teacher Professional Development
Engaging Science is a science enrichment and learning resource program designed to inspire teachers in Kindergarten to Grade 7. The program is a joint venture with Science World and the Vancouver Aquarium. It offer teachers a choice of twelve hands-on workshops that they can implement in their classrooms.

Customized Professional Development workshops enable adults interested in astronomy to work with Space Centre staff to design a program that works for their particular group.

Lectures for Adults
Each year, the Space Centre offers special guest lectures on a variety of topics related to astronomy, space and earth science.

This fall we will continue to offer an entertaining lecture series in collaboration with a local science fiction association.
Programmes pour les écoles : 0-4 ans (Préscolaire) : 5-11 ans (Maternelle à 6e année) : 12-17 ans 7e à 13e années (Québec : Secondaire 1 à CEGEP) • Programmes pour la famille • Cours ou ateliers • Démonstrations • Centre ou salles de découvertes • Films • Causeries • Développement professionel

Services aux visiteurs
A visit to the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre is a self-guided, self-directed experience. However, Visitor Service personnel are available in the exhibition gallery to assist visitors.
Près des transports en commun • Activités et services pour jeunes : Nuit au musée • Location de salles de réunion • Stationnement : Gratuit : Autobus • Boutique • Aménagement pour besoins spéciaux : Stationnement : Écriteaux : Toilettes : Accessible aux fauteuils roulants • Vestiaire • Toilettes

Services de bénévoles
Services de bénévoles offerts • Formation aux bénévoles offerte
Nombre de bénévoles :  75
Tâches :  Space Camps
Special Events

Avantages d'adhésion
Passes for guests
Annual admissions
Discounts in gift store
Discounts at other similar attrations

Services de restauration
The facility is available for rentals and the Space Centre has a relationship with several caterers who provide excellent food service on a customized request basis.

Currently there is very limited on-site food service.

Casse-croûte ou distributeurs automatiques • Aire de pique-niques

Autres services
Located in beautiful Vanier Park with panoramic views of the downtown and mountains, the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre offers a unique venue with themed programming. The Space Centre is centrally located with free parking making it an ideal venue for meetings and events that cater to up to 1000 guests.

The Space Centre offers a 87-seat state-of-the-art multi-media theatre, a 230-seat multi-media planetarium theatre with domed screen, computing, video, slide, audio, and laser capabilities, an observatory with telescope, a 217-seat auditorium suitable for lectures, meeting rooms, a foyer on the upper deck with views to the downtown and mountains and a large lobby.

Publications et produits
The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre produces original shows, presentations, educational materials and games which are available for purchase to other science centres, museums and educators. Products include computer games, planetarium shows, science demonstrations as well as print materials.

For members and the general public, the Space Centre produces "Starry Messenger," the membership newsletter, program guides, calendar of events.

Catalogues • Affiches • Cartes postales • Diapositives • Bulletins d'information • CD ROMS • Vidéos • Brochures • Rapports annuels • Revues • T-shirts, sweatshirts ou casquettes • Souvenirs commémoratifs • Trousses pédagogiques

Heures d'ouverture et droits d'entrée

Période : Toute l'année 
Ouvert : July 1-Labour Day: open daily including holidays 10am-5pm.
September-June: Tues-Sun including holidays 10am-5pm.
Spring Break: 10am-6pm.
Fermé : • les lundis 
Christmas Day
Droits d'entrée : Payante
Adults $13.50 Students/Seniors/Youth (11-18): $10.50
Children (5-10): $9.50
Children under 5, with Virtual Voyages: $6.00
Children under, without Virtual Voyages: Free
Night Laser shows: $10.00
Rabais : Aînés • Étudiants • Groupes

H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
1100 Chestnut St.,  Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique)
V6J 3J9
Téléphone :   604-738-7827
Télécopieur :   604-736-5665

Courriel :

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Dernière mise à jour : 2005 12 22