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Reference Library Reference Library

Museology Bibliography (BMUSE)

Document Delivery

Requests for materials held by BMUSE contributors should first be forwarded to the subscriber's own Library. If the Library cannot obtain the materials from sources close to them, the Library or the individual may contact the contributor directly.

Each of the contributing institutions has its own policies about lending books and photocopying documents. Contact the institutions directly to arrange for loan or photocopy of their materials.

Canadian Conservation Institute Library (CCI)
Canadian Conservation Institute Library (CCI)

1. Loan of books and videos

The CCI Library will loan its circulating books and videos to libraries in North America.


Canadian libraries and heritage institutions: no charge
U. S. Libraries: US $10.00 per item

2. Photocopies

Copies of items such as specified pages from journals, books, reports and conference proceedings are available, subject to the terms of the Copyright Act.


No charge for Canadian clients
Outside Canada: US $10.00 per article, up to 20 pages; $.20 for each additional page

3. Fax delivery


No charge for Canadian clients
Outside Canada: US $1.00 surcharge per page

Payment options:

1. Cash (on-site visitors only)
2. Credit cards (Visa or Mastercard)
3. Money orders (Canadian or U.S. dollars)
Note: prepayment by MasterCard or Visa is required from individuals. Clients outside of Canada will be charged in U.S. dollars.

To contact the library:
1030 Innes Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M5
Telephone: (613)998-3721
Fax: (613)998-4721

UNESCO/ICOM Information Centre (ICOM)
UNESCO/ICOM Information Centre (ICOM)

1. Loan of books

ICOM does not lend books.

2. Photocopies

ICOM will photocopy articles from publications issued by ICOM and its committees, subject to the limits of copyright legislation. They will make copies for both members and non-members. They will not fax articles.


0,15 EUR per page (ICOM members)
0,30 EUR per page (Non-members of ICOM

Postage will be charged according to the direct cost of mailing. Normally materials are sent by regular mail. 1 EUR is added for handling. Air mail requests must be specified, and are charged accordingly.

A limit of 6 references will be sent by mail for any request. There is no limit for photocopying on site, but photocopies may not be made of complete monographs or periodicals.

To contact the Library:

UNESCO-ICOM Information Centre
Maison de l’UNESCO
1, rue Miollis
75015 Paris

Telephone: 33-1-47-34-05-00
Fax:           33-1-43-06-78-62

Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) Logo Date Published: 2002-04-27
Last Modified: 2003-06-05
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