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The International Francophonie

International Francophonie organization chart


In 1968, the meeting of the Heads of State of the Organisation commune africaine et malgache (OCAM) considered the creation of an Agency for cultural and technical cooperation. At a Conference held in Niamey, in February 1969, which brought together 28 Francophone countries, an agreement was reached to create the Agency. The Conference of National Education Ministers (CONFEMEN-Conférence des ministres de l'éducation nationale) (only available in French), established in 1960, was entrusted with the mandate to articulate the conditions for setting up such an agency. On March 20, 1970, 21 governments signed the document creating the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT-Agence de coopération culturelle et technique).

The 1980s saw the true institutional birth of La Francophonie with the holding of the first Conference of Heads of State and Government Using French as a Common Language in February 1986, in Paris. These Summits, the supreme body of La Francophonie, are now held every two years. Canada has hosted Summits on two occasions, in Quebec City in 1987 and in Moncton in 1999 (Declaration) - only available en French.

The 1995 Cotonou Summit marked a major shift for the institutional aspect of La Francophonie. It set up a number of new bodies, reinforcing its political dimension on the international scene. It was in Cotonou that the decision was taken to create the General Secretariat of La Francophonie and to appoint a Secretary-General. It is also in Cotonou that the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT-Agence de coopération culturelle et technique) became the Intergovernmental Agency of La Francophonie (AIF) -only available in French. The Charter of La Francophonie -only available in French-, adopted at the Marrakech Ministerial Conference in 1996, now provides the Francophone institutional system with the legal support it was lacking. The Hanoi Summit in 1997 (Declaration) -only available in French- completed the reforms by adopting the revised Charter, which now constitutes the legal basis of the International Organization of La Francophonie. At this Summit, a Secretary-General was elected to be the political spokesperson and official representative, internationally, of La Francophonie. Mr. Abdou Diouf is the actual Secretary-General; he was elected at the Beyrouth Summit (October 2002). The role of the Intergovermental Agency of La Francophonie, as the main intergovernmental "agency" for La Francophonie, was also reaffirmed.

The International Francophonie, which is essentially intended to be a multilateral entity, includes 56 States and Governments covering five continents.

Official bodies

International Francophonie organization chart

Conference of Heads of State and Government of Countries Using French as a Common language (Francophonie Summit)

Every two years since 1986, through the Francophonie Summits, the Conference brings together the Heads of State and Government members of the International Organization of La Francophonie. -only available in French- The aim of this gathering is to discuss the major international issues of the hour and to set the priorities and strategic objectives of La Francophonie. The presidency is assumed by the Summit's host Head of Government for two years, until the next Summit. Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou) will host the next Francophonie Summit, November 26 and 27, 2004. (in French only)

The Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie (CMF - Conférence ministérielle de la Francophonie)

The Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie (CMF) is an annual meeting of the ministers for foreign affairs and ministers responsible for Francophonie affairs. The Ministerial Conference is chaired by the Minister for Foreign Affairs or the Minister responsible for Francophonie Affairs of the country hosting the Summit, during the year preceding and following the Summit.

The Conference ensures that Summit decisions are implemented and plans the subsequent Summit. In addition, it makes recommendations to the Summit on the admission of new members and new associate members.


Elected for four years by the member States and Governments of La Francophonie, the Secretary-General carries out his mandate under the authority of the three main bodies of the International Organization of La Francophonie - only available in French- : the Summit, the Ministerial Conference and the Standing Committee of La Francophonie (CPF-Conseil permanent de la Francophonie), which he chairs. He administers the Secretariat for the three bodies and reports to the Summit on his mandate. Mr. Abdou Diouf was elected to this position at the Beirut Summit, in October 2002. The first Secretary-General of the International Organization of La Francophonie was Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who held the position from 1997 to 2002.

The Secretary-General is internationally the political spokesperson and the official representative of La Francophonie. The Secretary-General, in conjunction with the General Administrator of the AIF and the other agencies representatives, is responsible for recommending priority areas for multilateral Francophone action and for harmonizing programs and action for all operators.

The Standing Committee of La Francophonie (CPF-Conseil permanent de la Francophonie)

The Standing Committee of La Francophonie (CPF) is responsible for Summit organization and follow-up, under the authority of the Ministerial Conference. The Committee consists of personal representatives duly accredited by the Heads of State and Government of Summit members. Along with ensuring that decisions made by the Ministerial Conference are implemented, the Standing Committee plays a role as facilitator, coordinator and arbitrator for policy and economic issues and cooperation. The CPF is also responsible for managing the joint multilateral fund (FMU-Fonds multilatéral unique), which holds funding allocated by member States and Governments for Francophonie projects.


International Francophonie organization chart

The Intergovernmental Agency of La Francophonie (AIF)
(Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie)

The Intergovernmental Agency for La Francophonie was created in Niamey (Niger) in 1970, and was known as the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT). It was made up of 21 States and Governments at the time. Currently, 56 States and Governments belong to the Intergovernmental Agency.

The Intergovernmental Agency of La Francophonie -only available in French- is responsible for the implementation of cultural cooperation, scientific, technical, economic and legal programs.

It is supported by National correspondents and regional offices located in Lomé for Western Africa, in Libreville for Central Africa and in Hanoï for Asia-Pacific. The Agency also has two subsidiaries, the Francophone Institute for New Information and Training Technologies (INTIF-Institut francophone des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la formation) -only available in French-, in Bordeaux, and the Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEPF-Institut de l'énergie et de l'environnement de la Francophonie) -only available in French-, in Quebec City.

The Agency of Francophone Universities (Agence universitaire de la Francophonie)

The Agency of Francophone Universities -only available in French- works closely with the Summit in the fields of higher learning and research. It represents the majority of partially or wholly French-language universities, as well as the "grandes écoles" and other research bodies.

The office of the rector for the AUF is located in Montreal. It is linked to regional and satellite offices and access to information centres around the world. More than 35 countries are covered by this network, which enables the AUF keep abreast of developments in national educational and scientific systems on a daily basis.


TV5 is an international French-language television network. It is a multilateral initiative funded by the governments of Canada, Quebec, France, French-speaking Community of Belgium and Switzerland. It is the distribution tool for Francophone public television stations partners of the participating governments. One of its major goals is to reflect the Francophone cultural diversity. TV5 was launched in 1984 but Canada waited until 1988 to join the network. In 1991, the network was expanded to include Africa and in 1992 Latin America and the Caribbean, it penetrated Asia in 1996 and the United States and Orient in 1998. Through TV5, Francophone programs reach more than 135 million households, making this channel one of the three major television networks with CNN and MTV. One of its major goals is to reflect the Francophone cultural diversity.

The International Association of Mayors and Officials of Partially or Wholly Francophone Capitals and Major Cities (AIMF-Association internationale des Maires et responsables des capitales et métropoles partiellement ou entièrement francophone)

The AIMF -only available in French- is the operator of La Francophonie responsible for urban development issues. Its cooperation activities cover all areas of municipal life, for the benefit of members who now number 95, and are located in 45 different countries.

Other institutions

The Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie (APF-Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophohie)

The APF -only available in French- is an invaluable link between the bodies of La Francophonie and Francophone people, as it comprises 47 sections in the Parliaments of Francophone states and communities, as well as 12 associate sections.

In addition to being an important tool for analysis and interparliamentary cooperation, this consultative parliamentary assembly participates in implementing and strengthening democratic institutions, and members act as election observers.

Standing Ministerial Conferences

(i) Since 1960, the Conference of National Education Ministers (CONFEMEN-Conférence des ministres de l'éducation nationale) -only available in French- , which meets every two years, is considered as a forum for analysis and dialogue for ministers of education from member States and Governments of the International Francophonie.

(ii) Established in 1969, the Conference of Youth and Sport Ministers from countries sharing the use of French (CONFÉJES-Conférence des ministres de la jeunesse et des sports des pays ayant le français en partage) is made up of 38 member States and Governments. Its objectives are to develop policies for promoting and protecting young people, to oversee the economic and social integration of young people, and to organize the Games of La Francophonie. The Minister responsible for Francophonie Affairs represents the Government of Canada at the CONFÉJES.

(iii) The Games of La Francophonie International Committee (CIJF-Comité international des Jeux de la Francophonie).

The Games of La Francophonie were created at the Summit held in Quebec City, in 1987. The CONFÉJES was, at the time, entrusted with ensuring the Games continuity. The CONFÉJES subsequently established the Games of La Francophonie International Committee (CIJF-Comité international des Jeux de la Francophonie) -only available in French- , which was given the mandate to organize the Games.

States and Governments member of the International Organization of La Francophonie

Member States and Governments

Flag of The Kingdom of Belgium

Kingdom of Belgium
Area: 30,513 km2
Capital: Brussels
National Holiday: July 21
Income Per Capita: $21,543 U.S.

Flag of the Communauté française de Belgique

Communauté française de Belgique
Area: 16,844 km2
Capital: Brussels
Population: 4,500,000
National Holiday: September 27
Income Per Capita: $21,543 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Benin

Republic of Benin
Area: 112,622 km2
Capital: Porto-Novo
Population: 5,900,000
National Holiday: August 1
Income Per Capita: $1,800 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Bulgaria

Republic of Bulgaria
Area: 110,912 km2
Capital: Sofia
Population: 8,300,000
National Holiday: March 3
Income Per Capita: $4,800 U.S.

Flag of Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso
Area: 274,200 km2
Capital: Ougadougou
National Holiday: August 4
Income Per Capita: $704 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Burundi

Republic of Burundi
Area: 27,830 km2
Capital: Bujumbura
Population: 6,000,000
National Holiday: July 1
Income Per Capita: $637 U.S.

Flag of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Kingdom of Cambodia
Area: 181,035 km2
Capital: Phnom Penh
Population: 11,160,000
National Holiday: November 9
Income Per Capita: $1110 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Cameroon

Republic of Cameroon
Area: 475,442 km2
Capital: Yaounde
Population: 14,700,000
National Holiday: May 20
Income Per Capita: $2356 U.S.

Flag of Canada

Area: 9,976,139 km2
Capital: Ottawa
Population: 30,300,000
National Holiday: July 1
Income Per Capita: $21,916 U.S.

Flag of the province of New Brunswick

Canada - Province of New Brunswick
Area: 73,437 km2
Capital: Fredericton
Population: 760,000
National Holiday: August 15
Income Per Capita: $21,916 U.S.

Flag of the province of Quebec

Canada - Province of Quebec
Area: 1,540,680 km2
Capital: Quebec City
Population: 7,500,000
National Holiday: June 24
Income Per Capita: $21,916 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Cape Verde

Republic of Cape Verde
Area: 4033 km2
Capital: Praia
Population: 395,000
National Holiday: July 5
Income Per Capita: $2612 U.S.

Flag of Central African Republic

Central African Republic
Area: 622,984 km2
Capital: Bangui
Population: 3,300,000
National Holiday: December 1
Income Per Capita: $1092 U.S.

Flag of the Federal and Islamic republic of Comoros

Federal and Islamic republic of Comoros
Area: 2170 km2
Capital: Moroni
Population: 500,000
National Holiday: July 6
Income Per Capita: $1317 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)

Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)
Area: 342,000 km2
Capital: Brazzaville
Population: 2,600,000
National Holiday: August 15
Income Per Capita: $2554 U.S.

Flag of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa)

Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa)
Area: 2,345,409 km2
Capital: Kinshasa
Population: 44,400,000
National Holiday: June 30
Income Per Capita: $355 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire

Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Area: 322,462 km2
Capital: Yamoussoukro
Population: 15,000,000
National Holiday: August 7
Income Per Capita: $1731 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Djibouti

Republic of Djibouti
Area: 23,200 km2
Capital: Djibouti
Population: 481,000
National Holiday: June 27
Income Per Capita: $1300 U.S.

Flag of the Commonwealth of Dominica

Commonwealth of Dominica
Area: 752 km2
Capital: Roseau
Population: 60,000
National Holiday: November 3
Income Per Capita: $6424 U.S.

Flag of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Arab Republic of Egypt
Area: 1,001,450 km2
Capital: Cairo
Population: 64,800,000
National Holiday: July 23
Income Per Capita: $3829 U.S.

Flag of the French Republic

French Republic
Area: 547,026 km2
Capital: Paris
Population: 58,609,000
National Holiday: July 14
Income Per Capita: $21,176 U.S.

Flag of the Gabonese Republic

Gabonese Republic
Area: 267,670 km2
Capital: Libreville
Population: 1,200,000
National Holiday: August 17
Income Per Capita: $3765 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Guinea

Republic of Guinea
Area: 245,857 km2
Capital: Conakry
Population: 7,500,000
National Holiday: April 3
Income Per Capita: $1139 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau

Republic of Guinea-Bissau
Area: 36,125 km2
Capital: Bissau
Population: 1,200,000
National Holiday: September 24
Income Per Capita: $811 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea

Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Area: 28,050 km2
Capital: Malabo
Population: 400,000
National Holiday: October 12
Income Per Capita: $1712 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Haiti

Republic of Haiti
Area: 27,750 km2
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Population: 6,600,000
National Holiday: January 1
Income Per Capita: $917 U.S.

Flag of the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Lao People's Democratic Republic
Area: 236,800 km2
Capital: Vientiane
Population: 5,100,000
National Holiday: December 2
Income Per Capita: $2571 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Lebanon

Republic of Lebanon
Area: 10,400 km2
Capital: Beirut
Population: 3,400,000
National Holiday: November 22
Income Per Capita: $4977 U.S.

Flag of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Area: 2586 km2
Capital: Luxembourg
Population: 420,000
National Holiday: june 23
Income Per Capita: $34,000 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Madagascar

Republic of Madagascar
Area: 587,041 km2
Capital: Antananarivo
Population: 14,000,000
National Holiday: June 26
Income Per Capita: $673 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Mali

Republic of Mali
Area: 1,240,192 km2
Capital: Bamako
Population: 9,800,000
National Holiday: September 22
Income Per Capita: $565 U.S.

Flag of the Kingdom of Morocco

Kingdom of Morocco
Area: 710,850 km2
(incl. W. Sahara:252,120 km2)
Capital: Rabat
Population: 30,400,000
National Holiday: March 3
Income Per Capita: $3477 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Mauritius

Republic of Mauritius
Area: 2045 km2
Capital: Port Louis
Population: 1,150,000
National Holiday: March 12
Income Per Capita: $13,294 U.S.

Flag of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Area: 1,030,700 km2
Capital: Nouakchott
Population: 2,400,000
National Holiday: November 28
Income Per Capita: $1622 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Moldova

Republic of Moldova
Area: 33,700 km2
Capital: Chisinau
Population: 4,400,000
National Holiday: August 27
Income Per Capita: $1547 U.S.

Flag of the Principality of Monaco

Principality of Monaco
Area: 1,9 km2
Capital: Monaco
Population: 30,000
National Holiday: Novembre 19
Income Per Capita: $25,000 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Niger

Republic of Niger
Area: 1,267,000 km2
Capital: Niamey
Population: 9,300,000
National Holiday: December 18
Income Per Capita: $765 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Romania

Republic of Romania
Area: 237,500 km2
Capital: Bucharest
Population: 22,500,000
National Holiday: December 1
Income Per Capita: $4431 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Rwanda

Republic of Rwanda
Area: 26,340 km2
Capital: Kigali
Population: 7,700,000
National Holiday: July 1
Income Per Capita: $400 U.S.

Flag of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tomé & Principe

Democratic Republic of Sao Tomé & Principe *
Area: 960 km2
Capital: Sao Tomé
Population: 150,000
National Holiday: July 12
Income Per Capita: $1744 U.S.

Flag of Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia
Area: 616 km2
Capital: Castries
Population: 150,000
National Holiday: February 22
Income Per Capita: $6530 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Senegal

Republic of Senegal
Area: 196,722 km2
Capital: Dakar
Population: 9,400,000
National Holiday: April 4
Income Per Capita: $1815 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Seyshelles

Republic of Seyshelles
Area: 454 km2
Capital: Victoria
Population: 80,000
National Holiday: June 18
Income Per Capita: $7797 U.S.

Flag of the Swiss Confederation

Swiss Confederation
Area: 41,288 km2
Capital: Bern
Population: 7,250,000
National Holiday: August 1
Income Per Capita: $24,881 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Chad

Republic of Chad
Area: 1,284,000 km2
Capital: N'Djamena
Population: 7,200,000
National Holiday: August 11
Income Per Capita: $1172 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Togo

Republic of Togo
Area: 56,785 km2
Capital: Lome
Population: 4,700,000
National Holiday: April 27
Income Per Capita: $1167 U.S.

Flag of theRepublic of Tunisia

Republic of Tunisia
Area: 163,610 km2
Capital: Tuni
Population: 9,200,000
National Holiday: March 20
Income Per Capita: $5261 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Vanuatu

Republic of Vanuatu
Area: 12,189 km2
Capital: Port-Vila
Population: 180,000
National Holiday: July 30
Income Per Capita: $2507 U.S.

Flag of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Area: 333,000 km2
Capital: Hanoi
Population: 75,120,000
National Holiday: September 2
Income Per Capita: $1236 U.S.

Observer States

Flag of the Czech Republic

Czech Republic
Area: 78,864 km2
Capital: Prague
Population: 10,300,000
National Holiday: May 9 and October 28
Income Per Capita: $5,242 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Lithuania

Republic of Lithuania
Area: 65,300 km2
Capital: Vilnius
Population: 3,700,000
National Holiday: February 16
Income Per Capita: $2,270 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Poland

Republic of Poland
Area: 312,677 km2
Capital: Warsaw
Population: 38,600,000
National Holiday: May 3
Income Per Capita: $5447 U.S.

Flag of the Slovak Republic

Slovak Republic
Area: 48,630 km2
Capital: Bratislava
Population: 5,400,000
National Holiday: August 29
Income Per Capita: $3,666 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Slovenia

Republic of Slovenia
Area: 20,255 km2
Capital: Ljublijana
Population: 1,987,000
National Holiday: June 25
Income Per Capita: $9,813 U.S.

Associate States

Flag of the Republic of Albania

Republic of Albania
Area: 28,748 km2
Capital: Tirana
Population: 3,300,000
National Holiday: November 28
Income Per Capita: $2853 U.S.

Flag of the Republic of Macedoinia

Republic of Macedoinia
Area: 25,713 km2
Capital : Skopje
Population : 2,000,000
National Holiday: September 8
Income Per Capita: $4,058 U.S.

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CONFÉJES - Youth and Sport Ministers
CIJF - Games of La Francophonie
TV5 - International Francophone Network
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Date modified: 2004-07-14
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