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     Teacher Lesson Plans



A Forest Fire Education Supplement for Teachers and Resource Educators

Focus on Fire is a teacher’s guide containing lesson plans for activities relating to forest fire management. It was developed in 1998 as a supplement for the successful Focus on Forest education program. We hope the activities in Focus on Fire help teachers and students understand the importance of fire in our environment. Like Focus on Forests, there are activities for all age groups and important reference and background material.

Below are several sample lesson plans for you to print and try with students. The 145 page manual, with 22 more lesson plans, is available from the Ontario Forestry Association at, or contact Carla Grant at (416) 493-4565.

Below are PDF files. These files are unavailable in html version. Some may take a few minutes to download. Please be patient.

What Wood Happen...
Reporting the Blazes
Burning Issues
Jack Pine Cone Campfire
Check Your Home Inside and Out

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Modified 28-11-2002
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2003