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Welcome to the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas

Welcome to the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas. This Atlas is the official source of area specific land use policy for Crown lands in a large part of Ontario. The geographic scope of the Atlas includes the Ontario's Living Legacy (OLL) planning area, plus Manitoulin Island.

The Crown Land Use Policy Atlas brings together all the area specific land use policies for Crown lands into one source location. All future area specific land use planning for Crown lands will be undertaken as amendments to the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas.

This Atlas allows users to view both the specific policies for any given area as well a map of its boundaries. The mapping component includes both an interactive web-based browser on which a user can view a site at various scales (or zoom levels) as well as a series of down loadable map tiles at a 1:100,000 scale showing all land use designations. Land use information is found in simple, consistent report style that is specific to each separate land use area.

The information contained in this Atlas is available for purchase on CD or as printed copies of the map tiles and associated policies. Link to Purchasing Information

The Atlas is also available in French.


The Atlas does not replace the need for an individual to check existing regulations to confirm the seasons when activities such as hunting and fishing are permitted or to obtain specific approvals, permits or licences, required to carry out certain activities on Crown lands.

The maps that form part of the Atlas are illustrative only. Do not rely on them as being precise indicators of privately-owned land, routes, locations of features, nor as guides for navigation.

The Atlas was developed for Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 7.0

The Crown Land Use Policy Atlas was refreshed January 31, 2006.

Policy Index Detailed Map Series
Interactive Map Browser (Pop-up) Policy Index Detailed Map Series


Welcome to Crown Land Use Policy Atlas

Amendments to Land Use Direction

Supporting Information

Public Input


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This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada

Modified 31-01-2006
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006