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Ontario Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP)

The Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program is a voluntary program available to landowners who own four hectares or more of forest land, and who agree to prepare and follow a Managed Forest Plan for their property. More...

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Under the MFTIP, participating landowners have their property reassessed and classified as Managed Forest and taxed at 25 percent of the municipal tax rate set for residential properties.

To participate in the MFTIP, landowners must agree to certain conditions including preparing and following a Managed Forest Plan for their forest. The plan improves the owner's knowledge of the forest and increases the owner's participation in managing the forest. In turn, this helps to encourage the stewardship of Ontario's private forests. The Ontario Woodlot Association and the Ontario Forestry Association are partners in the delivery of this program and handle most of the public inquiries and program administration.

Please see the “Ontario Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP) Guide” for details on how to enter the MFTIP. The framework for preparing a Managed Forest Plan is found in “A Guide to Stewardship Planning for Natural Areas”.

To qualify for a re-assessment under the MFTIP for the upcoming calendar year, your application and Managed Forest Plan must be received no later than June 30th.

Related Items
   Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program (CLTIP)

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