EBR Registry Number: XB06E2025 Type of Notice: Information
Ministry: Natural Resources Status of Notice: Information
Date Information Notice Posted: 2006/11/07


© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006

Members of the public are invited to submit their written comments by December 22, 2006 to the contact person listed below.

Title :

Discussion Paper – A Proposed Modelling and Scenario-based Approach for Identifying Natural Heritage Systems in Southern Ontario

General Reason for Notice:

This notice is for your information. The Environmental Bill of Rights does not require this notice to be placed on the Environmental Registry, however, section 6 of the Act does allow the Environmental Registry to be used to share information about the environment with the public.

Further Specific Explanation:

This discussion paper is being posted as an information notice with an invitation for public comment. The discussion paper outlines a proposed spatial modelling tool under development and testing by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) with participation of technical experts. In addition to the participation of technical experts, MNR would like to give members of the public an opportunity to comment on the matter.

Short Description:

Under the Natural Spaces program, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is developing and testing an approach for identifying landscape scale natural heritage systems for southern Ontario. This is the first step in development of science-based, replicable guidelines and tools that will be made available, on a voluntary basis, to municipalities, conservation authorities and other organizations with an interest in conservation, restoration and stewardship of natural heritage. This approach and resulting products will provide the MNR and other conservation agencies with information useful in setting strategic priorities for restoration, conservation and partnership activities on the landscape. The approach and its products will also be made available to municipalities as a voluntary tool to help them meet the policy requirements under the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005. The discussion paper (weblink below) describes a process – the Natural Spaces proposed approach - under development and testing by MNR with the participation of technical experts from other ministries, municipalities, conservation authorities and conservation/stewardship organizations. The approach and resulting tools will provide guidance to the MNR for its stewardship and acquisition programs.

Purpose of the Notice:

The purpose of this notice is to inform the public of this work and to invite comments regarding the proposed approach described in the discussion paper.


This notice will be updated as new information becomes available.

Other Relevant Information:

The web-links which appear towards the bottom of this notice provide the following additional information about this notice.

• Environmental Registry notice XB05E6808 - The Ministry of Natural Resources announces the Natural Spaces Program supporting stewardship and conservation in Southern Ontario
• Discussion Paper - A Proposed Modelling and Scenario-based Approach for Identifying Natural Heritage Systems in Southern Ontario

Other Public Consultation:

On August 3, 2005, MNR launched the Natural Spaces program, an initiative designed to combat the loss of natural greenspace in southern Ontario. It was announced that as part of this effort MNR would work with partners on identifying and conserving natural heritage systems helps to sustain healthy and diverse ecosystems over the long term (see Environmental Registry notice XB05E6808).

Natural Spaces Leadership Alliance has participated in development of proposed approach and through the Alliance, experts from a cross section of agencies have been working with the MNR on the development of the approach. As the approach is developed and pilot tested in two eco-districts, workshops will be held with local experts to review the initial results and to gain local refinement of objectives, targets and data. Results of the pilot projects will contribute to updates to this Environmental Registry posting. The approach and products may be part of future public information sessions associated with the roll out of the Growth Plan by MPIR or by municipalities utilizing this tool as a support to their individual municipal land use planning efforts.

Contact Person:

Greg Pulham, Municipal Planning Specialist
MNR Policy and Planning Coordination Branch
300 Water Street, 5th Floor, North Tower
Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 8M5
PHONE: (705) 755-5969  FAX: (705) 755-1971

Additional material in support of this notice is available by clicking the following hyperlink(s):
