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Aggregate Resources

picture of a quarry operation

Photo courtesy: Nelson Aggregate Company


Aggregates are critical ingredients in a number of manufactured products like glass, coated paper, paint and pharmaceuticals. Find out more about aggregate resources...


The Aggregate Resources Program is delivered through MNR's Natural Resource Management and Field Services Divisions, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the Aggregate Resources Trust (TOARC). Find out more about the Program...


Every aggregate licensee and permittee in Ontario is required to rehabilitate extraction sites in accordance with the Act, the regulations, the site plan and the conditions of the licence/permit.
Find out more about site rehabilitation...


Industry compliance with legislation and regulations is enforced by Ministry staff. In 2004, 17 offences were successfully prosecuted. Find out more about enforcement of the Aggregate Resources Act...

Site Licence sign


News Release: Environmental Protection for Aggregate Operations

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ATTENTION: Aggregate Operators within the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt Plan Area

Deadline for Maximum Disturbed Area Forms is September 30, 2006.

Find out more information..

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A Decision Notice has been posted on the Environmental Registry under the Environmental Bill of Rights regarding the revisions to Category 14 and Category 9 of the Provincial Standards

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Modified November 1, 2006
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006