EBR Registry Number: PB06E6030 Type of Posting: Policy
Ministry: Natural Resources Status of Posting: Proposal
Date Proposal Loaded: 2006/11/02
Comment Period: 61 day(s)

Written submissions may be made between November 02, 2006 and January 02, 2007.


© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006

Proposal Title:

Guidelines for Managing the Recreational Fishery for Brook Trout in Ontario

Short Description:

This proposal outlines regulatory options for managing brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) recreational fisheries in Ontario.

Brook trout are a native species in Ontario and known to be present in over 4,300 waterbodies. They have incredible variation in life history and occur in both small and large bodied forms. In addition to wild stocks, the Ministry of Natural Resources also has an active stocking program for brook trout with almost 1,300 waters currently stocked on an annual basis.

Brook trout are currently managed by a series of regulations including catch and possession limits, open seasons, fish sanctuaries, and, in some cases, size limits and special regulations.

The goal of these guidelines is to standardize and simplify brook trout regulations to optimize and diversify angling opportunities but ensure the resource is managed on a sustainable basis. Highlights of this proposal include establishing a set of standard season opening and closing dates, developing two standard catch and possession limits, recommending two size limit regulations to be used where appropriate, and providing direction on the use of special regulations.

Purpose of the Proposal:

To identify the most effective regulatory options to optimize and diversify angling opportunities while ensuring sustainability for brook trout based on existing science and current knowledge, and to simplify regulations which are ultimately selected.

Other Relevant Information:

Ontario is developing a new framework for recreational fisheries management focusing on new Fisheries Management Zones, managing and monitoring fisheries at the broad landscape level as opposed to individual lake management, and enhanced stewardship. This initiative will also rationalize fishing regulations to make them more standardized across the province and easier to understand.

The report (see web-link below) describes regulatory proposals for the management of the recreational fishery for brook trout in Ontario. The regulatory proposal is based on current scientific knowledge on the effectiveness of various regulations for managing brook trout. They are a combination of management strategies designed to provide angling opportunities while protecting brook trout from overexploitation.

In order to provide consistency to the management of brook trout in Ontario, the regulatory proposals will list the options to be used in the development of any new regulations for brook trout. Existing regulations will be analyzed to determine if they comply with the options described in the report, and where appropriate, measures will be taken to maximize compliance.

Supporting documentation for this notice is found at the web-links shown at the bottom of this notice for the following:

- Regulatory proposals for the management of the recreational fishery for brook trout in Ontario.

- New Ecological Framework for Recreational Fisheries Management in Ontario - click on the New Fisheries Framework Management Zone for 2007 icon for more information about this initiative.

- EBR proposal notice PB06E6003 Proposal for Regulatory Guidelines for Managing the Lake Trout Recreational Fishery in Ontario; the lake trout proposal is also part of the new Ecological Framework for Recreational Fisheries Management in Ontario and is being posted concurrently with this proposal in order to facilitate review of these related proposals.

Other Public Consultation:

Some stakeholder groups will be asked to comment on this proposal.

Comments should be directed to the following Contact Person:

Steven J. Kerr, Senior Fisheries Biologist
MNR Fish and Wildlife Branch, Fisheries Section
5th Floor, North Tower, 300 Water Street
Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 8M5
PHONE: (705) 755-1205  FAX: (705) 755-1957

Additional material in support of this notice is available by clicking the following hyperlink(s):


All comments will be considered as part of the decision-making by the Ministry if they:
  1. are submitted in writing;
  2. reference the EBR Registry number; and
  3. are received by the Contact person within the specified comment period.

Please Note: No acknowledgment or individual response will be provided to those who comment. All comments and submissions received will become part of the public record.