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Protecting What Sustains Us:  Ontario's Biodiversity Strategy

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Biological diversity or biodiversity refers to the variety of life, as expressed through genes, species and ecosystems, that is shaped by ecological and evolutionary processes.

Ontario's Biodiversity Strategy (OBS) Archives

Draft OBS Strategy - April 2005 (Adobe PDF, 2.1MB)

OBS Working Draft - March 2005This link opens a new browser window*

Public Workbook Archive - 2004This link opens a new browser window*

* these links are to an external web site that includes material posted during the development of the draft Ontario's Biodiversity Strategy

Latest News

November 14, 2005

The Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint for Aquatic Biodiversity: Volume 1
The Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint for Aquatic Biodiversity: Volume 1


TORONTO – The Ontario government and the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) are helping to conserve biodiversity by identifying high-quality natural areas in the Great Lakes region, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay announced today.

"We have identified a number of sites that can support a broad range of natural biodiversity, including species at risk," said Ramsay. "The Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint for Biodiversity is a valuable tool that governments, organizations and individuals can use in planning and developing strategies to further protect Ontario's rich variety of plants, animals and ecosystems while supporting the region's sustainable development."

Previous News

June 21, 2005

Photo of Monarch butterflies
Monarch butterflies


TORONTO – The Ontario government is protecting Ontario's rich natural heritage of plants, animals, and ecosystems with a new biodiversity strategy, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay announced.


Minister's Message

Portrait of Honorable David Ramsay, Minister of Natural Resources
Hon. David Ramsay,
Minister of Natural Resources

Ontarians are fortunate to live in a province that is home to an abundant variety of plants, animals, birds, fish and insects, as well as the forests, wetlands, lakes and rivers they inhabit. This broad network of biological species and systems — our biodiversity — enriches our lives and provides us with clean water and air, as well as sources of food, wood, medicines and energy.

Conserving Ontario's biodiversity is key to achieving a healthy environment, strong communities and a thriving economy. It includes protecting the variety of ecosystems and plant and animal species in Ontario and using our natural resources sustainably for the benefit of Ontarians.

I am pleased that Ontario now has a biodiversity strategy to guide all of us as we move forward with this important task. To develop the strategy, the ministry led a process that brought together a broad spectrum of contributors, including industry, environmental groups, government agencies and members of the public. I am grateful to all of those who shared their time and knowledge.

Ontario's Biodiversity Strategy ensures we pass on a strong and healthy province to future generations. We will achieve its goals and realize its vision only if people across the province endorse the actions listed here and support them through their own actions.

You can contribute to this effort whether you have the expertise to become involved in the Science Forum or another of the groups proposed in the strategy, or simply want to learn more about biodiversity to become a good steward of your land.

I invite you to participate in this vital effort to conserve Ontario's variety of life and help pass it on to our children.

Signature of David Ramsay, Minister of Natural Resources
David Ramsay
Minister of Natural Resources


Further information about the Canadian Biodiversity Strategy and other important information about biodiversity:

Canadian Biodiversity Information Network (CBIN)
www.cbin.ec.gc.caThis link opens a new browser window

Further information about the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and other international efforts aimed at conserving biodiversity and providing for sustainable use:

UN Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)
www.biodiv.org/convention/articles.aspThis link opens a new browser window

MNR's Environmental Registry Notice of Proposal for Ontario's Biodiversity Strategy published April 25, 2005:

www.ene.gov.on.ca/envregistry/025046ep.htmThis link opens a new browser window

MNR's news release of April 25, 2005, announcing the posting of Ontario's Biodiversity Strategy on Ontario's Environmental Registry:


MNR's EBR notice published December 1, 2004:

www.ene.gov.on.ca/envregistry/024200ex.htmThis link opens a new browser window

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Modified: November 7, 2006