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Let's Fish Ontario!

Urban Fishing


2005-2006 Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary

cover of 2005 fishing regulations

The 2005-2006 Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary is available, in PDF format, from the MNR Publications website.

Download to help plan your next fishing trip!

News Release - November 6, 2006

Anglers should continue to follow the 2005-2006 Fishing Regulations until the 2007-2008 Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations are released, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay said today.

“Anglers should keep their copy of the 2005-2006 Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary and continue to follow those rules,” said Ramsay. “We have been working on significant changes to the fishing regulations, but they will not be in place by January 1, 2007.” More...

Take Me Fishing!

Listen to a special Take Me Fishing message brought to you by Water Works Wonders and the Ministry of Natural Resources.


Be sure to check:

Food Fish Safety in Ontario

Food Safety Audit Program for Fish and Fish Products and
Standards of Compliance for Fish Processors in Ontario

Modified December 1, 2006
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006