Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources LogoTitle - Ministry of Natural Resources
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The Petroleum Resources Centre
659 Exeter Road
London, ON
N6E 1L3
Tel: 519-873-4634
Fax: 519-873-4645

site map compass image

About Oil, Gas & Salt Resources in Ontario

The Ministry of Natural Resources plays a key role in ensuring the safe and sustainable development of Ontario's oil, natural gas, salt solution-mining and underground storage resources, and the protection of natural interests.

These responsibilities are carried out by the ministry’s Petroleum Resources Centre (PRC), located in London, Ontario. > > >

Rules & Regulated Activities

Photo of Petroleum InspectorRegulated activities in Ontario take place on both Crown land and private (or freehold) lands. The primary legislation governing Ontario's oil and gas tenure and activities on Crown lands is Part IV of the Mining Act and Regulation 263/02. > > >

The Resources

small diagram of The ResourcesOil, gas and salt resources can be found trapped underground in sedimentary rocks formed during the Phanerozoic Eon of geological time. The Phanerozoic is the part of time during which the evidence of life is abundant. Large parts of Ontario are covered by Phanerozoic rocks and more specifically by rocks formed during the shorter period of geologic time known as the Paleozoic Era. > > >


Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Library

Diamond drill core through bedrock salt formationsThe library provides access to historical well drilling and production data and also houses laboratory facilities for viewing and studying drill samples and core. > > >

Modified June 30, 2005
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005