Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Logo Title - Ministry of Natural Resources
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Water Resources

Site with waterpower potential

What is Our Role?

The Ministry of Natural Resources plays a significant role in ensuring that Ontario's precious water resources and their hydrologic functions are sustained in order to support the needs of the public and a healthy natural environment now and into the future.

Ministry of Natural Resources Objectives

Ministry of Natural Resources water management activities are focused on four key objectives:
View the full Ministry of Natural Resources Objectives article

Relevant Legislation

To do this, the Ministry of Natural Resources works with many partners to develop and implement sustainable water management programs through legislation. Find out more about legislation.

New Centre for Surface Water Monitoring

Ontario has consolidated its expertise on flooding and low water conditions in one place.
View the full New Centre for Surface Water Monitoring article
Cross Section of a Typical Ontario Watershed

Current Low Water Conditions Reports

Visit the Low Water Section to view the current low water conditions and maps.

Modified November 10, 2004
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004