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Natural Spaces - photo of young couple walking in an field, with trees and a farm building in the background, with man pointing towards the horizon
A greenspace program for southern Ontario

Latest News

Announcing the Posting of the Natural Heritage Systems Approach Discussion Paper

The Natural Spaces Program is pleased to announce the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) Environmental Registry posting of the Natural Heritage Systems Approach Discussion Paper. The discussion paper will be available for public comment for 45 days as of November 8th, 2006. To view the EBR posting and to provide comment, please visit http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envregistry/028828ex.htm

The Natural Spaces Program: What? Why? How?

What is the Natural Spaces Program?

The Natural Spaces Program is a voluntary partnership program that will help reduce loss of greenspace in southern Ontario by encouraging landowners to restore and protect natural areas on their properties.

Why a Natural Spaces Program?

More that 80 per cent of the woodlands and 75 per cent of wetlands in southern Ontario have been lost since European settlement began. We need to act now to restore natural areas and reduce further loss of greenspace. Reducing loss of greenspace will improve our air and water quality, protect important natural features and wildlife habitat.

How does the Natural Spaces Program work?

The program is voluntary. Landowners who want to take part will be provided with information about the kinds of stewardship activities they can carry out to restore and conserve natural areas on their properties. Stewardship activities could include planting trees, managing woodlots, cleaning up shorelines, restoring wildlife habitats and much more.

How does the Natural Spaces Program fit with other government programs?

The Natural Spaces Program supports, but does not duplicate, other measures the government is taking to provide and maintain a healthier natural environment in southern Ontario.

How you can get involved in the Natural Spaces Program.

More information about how you can be part of the Natural Spaces Program will soon be available on this website. Please check back regularly or contact us for more information.

The Natural Spaces Leadership Alliance

The Natural Spaces Leadership Alliance will play a key advisory role in further developing and implementing the Natural Spaces Program.

The Alliance is made up of representatives of organizations and groups focused on conservation, wise stewardship and the sustainable use of our natural resources. All have extensive knowledge and experience in the conservation of Ontario's natural areas.
Photograph - Children planting native lupines
Children planting native lupine

Photograph - Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree

Photograph - Black Oak Savannah
Black Oak Savannah

Photo of MNR biologist doing fieldwork
MNR biologist doing fieldwork

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