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A Message From The Premier

Thank you for stopping by the Ontario Conserves website. Just by visiting this site, you've already taken an important step toward making Ontario a cleaner, greener, healthier place to live. We're taking action on conservation and together we can make a real, positive difference. Everyone has an important role to play in building a new culture of conservation in Ontario.

We need to become more responsible about protecting our earth, air, water and energy. We're making progress on changing our old wasteful habits, but there's more to do. That's where Ontario Conserves comes in.

This site provides the information and resources you need to become part of Ontario's culture of conservation. You'll find tips on reducing the amount of garbage that goes into landfills, on saving energy and lowering your bills and making small changes that can make a big difference in the air we breathe.

We work better when we work together. I know that if we all do our part today, Ontario will have a better and brighter tomorrow.

Dalton McGuinty

Dalton McGuinty

Dalton McGuinty  View video -
Statement by the Premier

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