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Europe Direct - Questions about Europe?

Culture, education and youth

  • 07/12/2006 - Education and training
    Erasmus turns 20

    Erasmus - the world's largest university exchange programme - is 20 next year. Over a million students have taken part in this rewarding and challenging experience since it began in 1987. Celebrations will run throughout 2007 with a number of special events.
  • 27/11/2006 - Education and training
    European voluntary service – 10 years of solidarity

    Celebrations marking the 10th anniversary of the European voluntary service, which helps young people discover another European country and culture by taking part in non-profit-making schemes, were held in Brussels on 26-27 November. Numerous events were held for former and future volunteers, policy makers and stakeholders.
  • 17/11/2006 - Culture
    Unifying Europe through culture

    European unification is about more than just politics and economics – it also has a huge cultural dimension. The grass-roots initiative "Soul for Europe" focuses on cultural aspects and promotes the idea of "a Europe by and for Europeans", not just of institutions.
  • 15/09/2006
    Europe's cultural heritage at your fingertips

    One of the largest collections of books from the Renaissance period, digital facsimiles of the works of Hans Christian Andersen and a collection of Latvian posters reflecting culture, politics and social life between 1899-2000 are just some of the works accessible through the European Digital Library.
  • 15/09/2006 - Education and training
    Commission asks Member States to improve education and training systems

    The European Commission adopted a Communication on 8 September that stresses the need to step up both the efficiency and equity of education and training systems.
  • 02/06/2006 - Films and the film industry
    'European Charter for Film Online' endorsed in Cannes

    Only five days after Cultural Affairs Ministers secured the continuity of Media 2007 with an increased budget, representatives of the film industry, of internet service providers and of telecom operators from the EU and the US endorsed the European Film Online Charter on 23 May.
