B.C. Conversation On Health

We are always adding new information to the website, so have a look at what's new.

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Regional Public Forums and Health Professional Meetings
The Regional Public Forum and Health Professional Meeting dates have been announced! Please visit the Regional Public Forums page and the Health Professional Meetings page for more information.
The official news release can be found here.
Online Discussion
Five new questions have been added to the Online Discussion. Click here and post your views!

Conversation Feed
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On November 27 2006, BC launched its first ever First Nations Health Plan.

Take the Health Care Web Polls! We have added a web polls section made up with questions submitted by British Columbians to the Conversation On Health.Check out the answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions posed through the Conversation on Health website.

The latest weekly report entitled What British Columbians Are Saying About Health... is now available. Check back weekly to read the most recent report or go to Weekly Reports to find a list of all the weekly reports to date.

Weekly Report Volume 12
Conversation on Health Weekly Report
December 18, 2006 to December 24, 2006

We have added a Tools and Resources section for individuals and organizations to access the latest tools and resources available to encourage participation in the Conversation on Health.

You can now subscribe to the B.C. Conversation on Health's Video or Audio Feeds at the Media Centre or clicking the links below.
Subscribe to the B.C. Conversation on Health's Video Feed
Subscribe to the B.C. Conversation on Health's Audio Feed
Need some assistance with podcasting? Click here for more information.

The Conversation on Health is a discussion among British Columbians on how to make British Columbia healthier, and how to improve and renew our health system while strengthening the Canada Health Act. This follows up on a commitment made in the Throne Speech to engage in a genuine conversation with British Columbians about health.

People value good health, want healthy communities, and feel strongly that our health system must be there when we, our children, and our grandchildren need it.

We need the Conversation on Health because British Columbians can – and must – find ways of making our health system sustainable for the future. We face many challenges as our population ages and new technologies and treatments are introduced.

No one knows more about your health than you do. Join us. We want to hear what is important to you, what challenges you see as most important, and what solutions you see to ensuring good health and a health system that will be there for the long haul.

We’re opening the floor to all British Columbians. We need you involved. We need a serious discussion of health so we can solve these challenges.

Please explore this website and join the conversation.

Milestones in Public Health Care