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Language training checklist

What are some strategies for successful language learning? There are many factors that contribute to the success of learning a second language. For example, the method of instruction, the learning materials used, the classroom size and the program goals. There are also factors related to the individual learning the second language. For example, motivation to learn the language and a willingness to practise newly acquired language skills. Consider some of the following strategies when offering or participating in second language learning programs.

Strategies related to the second language training program:

Determine the appropriate language level for the participants by way of a language assessment test.
Determine the objectives of the program. Are they related to a specific language need for your organization? For example: do your employees require reception language skills; conversational skills or written competency? Consider a program tailored to needs.
Offer incentives to maintain interest and participation in the program.
Regularly monitor the program's overall progress as well as the progress of the individual participants.

Strategies for the language learner:

Set clear goals for yourself. Establish what your needs are and what you hope to accomplish during your language training.
Be realistic about the time it takes to learn a second language. You will have to reserve time in your schedule for classroom instruction and study time when learning a language.
Be aware of your learning style. What learning resources would enhance your experience? Ask the institution or the program instructor what their approach is to teaching a second language.
Make the most of your second language learning experience. Your active participation in the classroom is important but there are other ways to improve your language skills. Look for informal opportunities to practise your newly acquired language skills. Consider some of the suggestions that can be found in our "Practising second language skills" practical tool.
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Date modified: 2006-04-24
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