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Home: Making your organization bilingual
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Bilingual formatting

Written documents

Tumble or "flip-side" format
Advantage: conveys clear bilingual image
Disadvantage: cost
Flip-side example

Two columns side-by-side, one English, one French
Advantage: conveys clear bilingual image
Disadvantage: challenging to format
Two columns example

Two separate editions
(Always inform the reader that the document exists in the other language, whether overleaf or on request. This notice also serves to promote the bilingual character of your organization.)
Advantage: cost effective
Disadvantage: does not convey a clear bilingual image
Two separate editions example

Switching from one language to the other within the same document
Advantage: may be used to introduce a change in policy
Disadvantage: difficult to read, incomplete information
Switching in the same document example

Computer presentations (PowerPoint)

Alternation: one slide in English, one slide in French
Advantage: conveys clear bilingual image
Disadvantage: information is incomplete in each language
one slide english, the other french example

Simultaneous presentation in both languages
Advantage: conveys clear bilingual image
Disadvantage: higher production and equipment rental costs
Simultaneous presentation example

Internet site
Options :

Home page highlighting choice between the two languages
Advantage: conveys clear bilingual image
Highlighted choice example

Business cards
Options :

Two-sided, one side in French, the other in English
Advantage: clear bilingual image and attractive presentation
Two-sided example

One-sided with integrated languages
Advantage: conveys clear bilingual image
Disadvantage: hard to display a lot of information
One-side with integrated language example

Two separate versions
Disadvantage: does not convey a clear bilingual image; hard to make sure the recipient gets the right one
Two seperate versions example

Options :

Both languages at top, one above the other
Advantage: clear bilingual image
Disadvantage: How to decide which language comes first?
Both languages at top one above the other example

Both languages at top, side by side
Advantage: clear bilingual image
Disadvantage: a certain precedence given to the language on the left
Both languages at top, side by side example

Two separate versions
Disadvantage: expensive; does not convey clear bilingual image
Two seperate versions example
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Date modified: 2006-04-24
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