National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Collaboration between DND and the Montfort Hospital

BG–03.027 - May 12, 2003

The former National Defence Medical Centre (NDMC) opened in 1961 in Ottawa as a full-service hospital serving members of the Canadian Forces (CF), veterans and selected VIP's. Starting 1995, the hospital was gradually downsized to an ambulatory care facility serving CF members in the National Capital Region.

In January 2001, a study presented to the Minister of National Defence indicated that the hospital had reached the end of its useful life. The acceptance of this study identified the requirement for a new facility to provide health care delivery to CF personnel in the NCR.

Only two options existed: (i) build a new facility or (ii) collaborate with an existing civilian health care facility to provide the necessary health care services to CF members. For a variety of reasons, including time and cost, it was determined that the second option was the most viable way ahead.

The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care was approached to explore the collaboration option with civilian hospitals in Ottawa. Following responses from two hospitals, it was determined that the Montfort Hospital proposal offered the most effective means to provide health care to CF members in the NCR. In July of 2001, the Government of Ontario, Ministry of Health and Long Term Care approved the “commencement of negotiations” with Montfort Hospital regarding a possible collaborative arrangement.

In late February 2003, an Advance Contract Award Notice was issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) stating that the Department of National Defence has selected the Montfort Hospital as the successful bidder.

The collaboration has two components and states:

  • DND will lease two floors in a new annex to be constructed at the Monfort Hospital, over the coming two years. Among services to be provided by this new CF clinic will be primary care, physiotherapy, pharmacy, mental health and dental.

  • The Montfort Hospital will be the primary provider of other services for CF patients such as emergency, surgery, in-patient care, X-ray, specialized clinics and lab services.

The new facility will accommodate all CF members in the NCR (approximately 7500) as well as patients from the other Bases in the region when they are sent here for specialty services.

The contract is valued up to $200 million over 22 years, which includes the construction phase. Construction is expected to begin shortly and the target date for movement of services from NDMC to Montfort Hospital is towards the end of 2005.

Many reasons were behind the selection of Montfort Hospital to house the new CF clinic:

  • The Montfort's philosophy for the delivery of health care is closely aligned with that of the new Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS) health care delivery model. The hospital follows a community-based health care model with family practitioner focus and satellite clinics;

  • The Montfort offers fully bilingual services, is a fully accredited facility and is rated among the most efficient in Ontario;

  • The Montfort is able to provide a one-stop shopping for CF members and will also offer services to their family members, the majority of whom are Ontario residents;

  • In addition, the collaborative arrangement with Montfort, a community teaching hospital, provides an excellent opportunity to build on an existing arrangement to support maintenance of skills for uniformed health care professionals – both regular and reserve.

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