National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

First Flight by Modernized Aurora a Success

NR–04.034 - May 6, 2004

Ottawa– The first CP-140 Aurora, modernized with state of the art navigation and flight instruments avionics, successfully completed its maiden test flight yesterday in Halifax. This flight is a significant milestone for the Navigation and Flight Instruments Project, a major sub-project within the Aurora Incremental Modernization Project.

“The success of this flight is a testament to the hard work of the Department’s flight test team in partnership with CMC Electronics,” said the Honourable David Pratt, Minister of National Defence. “The strategic surveillance provided by a modernized Aurora will strengthen Canada’s domestic maritime security capability now and well into the future.”

“This flight is the first major step towards the modernization of Canada’s fleet of Aurora aircraft,” said General Ray Henault, Chief of the Defence Staff. “The updated aircraft will enhance the ability of our pilots and aircrews to protect and safeguard our coastlines.”

The Navigation and Flight Instruments Project contract was awarded to CMC Electronics of Ottawa in August 2000. The flight testing is being conducted by CMC Electronics together with IMP Aerospace of Halifax and a DND flight test team.

The Flight Test Phase is the final and most complex aspect of the Navigation and Flight Instruments Project. It is scheduled to be completed Fall 2004.


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