National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Canadian Forces Operation in Mediterranean Ends

NR-04.103 - December 16, 2004

OTTAWA – After two months of deployment on Operation SIRIUS and 40 surveillance missions over the Mediterranean Sea, the last of more than 65 Canadian Forces (CF) personnel are completing their redeployment to Canada today from Sigonella, Italy, with their two CP-140 Aurora maritime patrol aircraft.

Conducted from October 15 to December 14, 2004, Operation SIRIUS was Canada's participation in Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR , a major NATO contribution to the international campaign against terrorism. Task Force Sigonella, the force deployed on Operation SIRIUS, involved more than 100 air force personnel who rotated to Italy from 405 Maritime Patrol Squadron, 415 Maritime Patrol Squadron and 14 Air Maintenance Squadron at 14 Wing Greenwood, N.S., and from 407 Maritime Patrol Squadron at 19 Wing Comox, B.C. Working with other NATO nations, their tasks included monitoring and surveillance of activity at sea, hailing ships, and tracking contacts of interest.

“This operation has showcased Canada's maritime surveillance capabilities, and collectively with our allies, we have made transiting the Mediterranean Sea safer for the international community,” said Defence Minister Bill Graham.

“Our personnel have made a significant contribution to this NATO mission,” said the Chief of the Defence Staff, General Ray Henault. “The capabilities of the Aurora, added to the NATO resources in theatre, made it difficult for those who wish to use the sea for terrorist activity.”

“Our maritime surveillance assets helped NATO navies to find, identify and track surface vessels, and assisted them in the conduct of ship-boarding, thereby enhancing effectiveness in deterring illicit transit of terrorist equipment and personnel,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Yvan Boilard, the commanding officer of Task Force Sigonella.

NATO has conducted maritime operations under Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR since October 2001 to deter and disrupt terrorism in the Mediterranean Sea, to defend its member nations against terrorists operating at sea, and to demonstrate resolve and presence in the campaign against terrorism.


NOTES TO EDITORS: Broadcast-quality b-roll is available upon request. Imagery from Operation SIRIUS can be downloaded from or obtained from the Media Liaison Office at (613) 996-2353 / 2354.

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