National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Canadian Troops in Haiti Declared Operationally Ready

NR-04.017 - March 25, 2004

OTTAWA – Task Force Haiti (TFH) was declared operationally ready yesterday in Port au Prince, Haiti.

TFH is made up of about 450 personnel and six CH-146 Griffon helicopters and is based on personnel and resources primarily from the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment based in Gagetown, New Brunswick, and 430 Tactical Helicopter Squadron based in Valcartier, Quebec.

"The Task Force is prepared to commence operations," said Lieutenant-Colonel Jim Davis, the Task Force Commander. "We are committed to working towards stability and security for the Haitian people and to be representing Canada on this important mission."

TFH forms a part of the United Nations sanctioned Multinational Interim Force (MIF). The Canadian Forces commitment to the MIF is named Operation HALO and is scheduled to last for approximately 90 days.

The mission of the MIF is to contribute to a secure and stable environment in the country, to facilitate the provision of relief aid to those in need, and to help the Haitian police and the Haitian Coast Guard maintain law and order and protect human rights.


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