Director General Compensation and Benefits
Canadian Forces Pension Modernization Project

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Pension policy is a work in progress. The proposed changes cannot be considered final until they have received Treasury Board's approval.

Changes to Part I of the
Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (CFSA)

Who is eligible to join?

  • Regular Force members
  • Reserve Force members serving full-time for extended periods, after 1,674 paid days (55 months) of full-time Reserve Force service in a 60-month period

What stays the same?

See Your Pension Plan and Release Pay Benefits to review current CFSA provisions.

What is changing?

  1. De-linking pension eligibility from terms of service and increasing pension options. (Regular Force members now serving may be able to have their pension grandfathered, that is, determined under grandfathering provisions.)
  2. Introducing two-year vesting and locking-in.
  3. Using a different type of service to calculate your pension
  4. Improving survivor benefits for your survivor and children

The changes

    1. Immediate unreduced pension with:
    2. Deferred annuity with:
      • at least two years of pensionable service; if not eligible for an immediate unreduced pension; you can receive it as:
    3. Return of contributions, with interest with:
  2. Pension vests and benefits are locked-in after two years of pensionable service.
  3. Pensionable service determines your pension (all service to your credit, for example, paid CF service, RCMP service you are buying back, and Reserve Force service for which you contributed)
  4. On death with 2+ years of pensionable service, monthly pension to your survivor; before that, return of your contributions with interest.
    Pension to your children between 18 and 25 while studying full-time, even if schooling is interrupted.