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Pension policy is a work in progress. The proposed changes cannot be considered final until they have received Treasury Board's approval.

Project overview

On November 7, 2003, An Act to amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts received Royal Assent, changing Regular Force pensions and introducing pension arrangements for the Reserve Force.

These changes:

  • support CF human resource strategy,
  • meet the goals of CF members,
  • recognize the uniqueness of military service, and
  • result from research, member consultation, and work with CFPAC .

CFPMP modernizes CF pensions, another positive response to SCONDVA's 1998 Report on Quality of Life in the Canadian Forces.

Ongoing work will develop:

  • policies and regulations,
  • administration systems and processes, and
  • communication to help Regular and Reserve Force members to make informed decisions about their personal situation,

and ensure that:

  • benefits are secure, and
  • government pension policy is respected.

Review Modernizing the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act for details on:

  • how we got here,
  • what's changing,
  • what's next, and
  • where to get more information.

Are you a Regular Force member?
Learn about changes to your pension plan.
Are you a Reserve Force member working full-time?
Learn about your new pension arrangements.
Are you a Reserve Force member working less than full-time?
Learn about the introduction of pension arrangements for you.