Director General Compensation and Benefits
Directorate of Compensation and Benefit Administration

Travel and Removal

Integrated Relocation Pilot Program
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IRPP Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: This FAQ is not an official policy document. It is intended to explain, in simple terms, common situations that may be encountered in a typical relocation. The IRPP Relocation Directive, its addendum's, and any other related orders or regulations will take precedence over information presented in this document, unless otherwise specifically stated by DCBA.


1. Can I cash out the new 'Enhanced Core' if I don't use all of the funds?

2. Are members obliged to use Royal Lepage real estate agents, or are they allowed to employ an agent from a competing company?

3. Can a single member take one child on their HHT and have the costs come from Core?

4. Can I use my Enhanced Core to upgrade to business or first class air travel or to a luxury suite at a hotel?

5. Is there a cap on the amount of mileage when driving over 650 km on a HHT?

6. Will the members who moved a mobile home in APS 1999 be taxed?

7. Up to what age do children receive meals at half the rate?

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8. Is GST reimbursable within the Integrated Relocation Program when buying a new home?

9. Are the survey costs on the sale of a home funded from Core or Customized?

10. Are Ferry charges considered a core expense or should mileage be adjusted?

11. Can a member obtain two posting allowances and movement grants if posted twice in one calendar year?

12. How does the $85.00 amount for commercial lodging work?

13. Who approves the application for a HHT in the department?

14. Are renters entitled to short term loan interest on a deposit used to secure a rental accommodation at destination?

15. When a member is entitled to Long Term Storage, and decides not to store any appliances, is there a limit on the number of appliances not stored in LTS when calculating transferable savings for the customized account?

16. When a member is incurring ILM&I over 21 days, what is the process to confirm that there were no hotels with cooking facilities in the area?

17. Is there an extra travel day when part of the journey is by ferry?

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18. From my research, I have found out that the $25000 Home Relocation Loan or interest buy-down loan is only available through CIBC. Why is this option not available with other lending institutions?

19. Can a member combine the $25k mortgage with another mortgage so they only have one payment per month?

20. What items are reimbursable under Temporary Dual Residence Assistance and what are the conditions?

21. Does the home at origin have to be vacant to qualify for TDRA benefits?

22. If a member is going to claim TDRA in excess of the Core element, do they need prior departmental approval?

23. Can a member receive a meal allowance when they are staying in non-commercial accommodation?

24. Who is responsible for car shipment?

25. Which component is Home Equity Assistance funded from?

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26. The IRPP is offering up to $250 for members who take an HHT and save money on it by either staying over a Saturday when flying commercial air, or by shortening their HHT while driving. If the member does not take the HHT all together, can they receive the $250 or more for their customized account?

27. I have a second vehicle that I want to sell instead of shipping to my new post. Can I be given some transferable savings for not using the vehicle shipment entitlement.

28. I would like to move under the old regulations, can I?

29. I registered with the program with my consultant and they said my information package would be sent to me via courier. I still have not received my package, and it has been a week. What should I do?

30. I went to the IRPP section to gather information for my upcoming move. Royal Lepage told me that they had not yet received authorization from DND for me to move. My posting message was faxed to DCBA. I phoned RLRS again today, and I am still not on the list. What now?

31. I am retired and would like to take my last move to my Intended Place of Residence. However, my 2 year time limit for my IPR move has already lapsed and I am currently on my one year extension. Can I elect my IPR after my 3 years total have expired?

32. I am having some trouble with my relocation. I feel as though I have reached an impasse with my RLRS consultant. I need to know what I can do, or who I can talk to.