Director General Compensation and Benefits
Directorate of Compensation and Benefit Administration

Travel and Removal
Geographical Boundaries
CBI 209
Same Sex Benefits
Travel and Removal Policy

Integrated Relocation Pilot Program

CF Integrated Relocation Program

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Canadian Forces Administrative Orders

book Welcome to the Canadian Forces Administrative Orders web page. Here you will find all the CFAO's that pertain to travel and removal in the Canadian Forces. There are several articles so you may have to scroll down several screens to find the regulation that you are looking for.

209-1 Movement of Mobile Homes
209-3 Separation Expense
209-4 Claims for Travelling Expenses Outside Canada
209-5 Street Car, Bus, Ferry, and Toll Tickets
209-6 Local Move of Furniture and Effects
209-7 Use of PMV, Motorcycle, or Airplane for Temporary Duty
209-8 Temporary Evacuation of Married Quarters
209-10 Authorization of Special travelling Expenses or Actual and Reasonable Expenses by the Minister
209-11 Movement Grant
209-13 Travelling Expenses - DailyRates and Conditions
209-14 Incidental Travelling Expenses
209-15 Transportation on leave, special leave, or recall from Leave
209-16 Transportation of Members Who Apply for Re-Engagement or are Offered Further Terms of Service while on Terminal Leave
209-17 Moving Benefits - Dependents of Personnel Deceased, Missing, Prisoners of War, or Interned or Detained by a Foreign Power
209-18 Expenses When a Ship is Temporarily Evacuated
209-20 Interim Lodgings, Meals, and Incidental Expenses

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209-23 Reimbursement on Postponement and Cancellation of a Posting
209-24 Preparation and Submission of Claims
209-25 Entitlement at Time of Enrolment
209-26 Transportation Entitlements and Travelling Expenses - Move of Members on Posting or of Dependents
209-27 Reimbursement for Rent or Lease Liability
209-28 Removal Benefits - Movement of Dependents and/or Furniture and Effects
209-29 Claims for Long Term Storage
209-30 Movement of Dependents, Furniture and Effects to Intended Place of Residence Prior to Commencement of Terminal Leave
209-35 Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation
209-36 Additional Transportation entitlements on restricted posting
209-38 Reimbursement of Customs Duties and Taxes on Early Repatriation to Canada
209-39 Out-Port Accommodation and Meals for Submarine Crew
209-40 Commuting Assistance
209-41 Rent in Advance of a Move
209-43 Movement of Dependents, Furniture and Effects to and from Selected Places of Residence and Designated Alternative Locations
209-44 Reimbursement for Week-End Travel
209-45 House Hunting Trip
209-46 Corporate Credit Cards for Group Temporary Duty Expenditure
209-47 Storage of PMV and Related Transportation and Travel Expense