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Issue 1/06 – 25 January 2006

TABLE OF CONTENTS bullet New CEOTP opens doors for serving personnel, recruits bullet Join the recruiting team for a day, for your next posting bullet 2005 Index of articles bullet New Veterans Charter on the way: New charter meets needs of veterans, families bullet Veterans Charter FAQ bullet New Veterans Charter scenarios bullet Chemical Warfare Agent Testing Recognition Program application deadline approaching bullet UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti medal

Join the recruiting team for a day,
for your next posting

For a day

recruitersThe Recruiter for a Day (RFD) program is seeking volunteers from among Canadian Forces (CF) sailors, air personnel and soldiers (Regular and Reserve Force) who belong to one or more of three designated employment equity groups – Women, Aboriginals and Visible Minorities.

Attracting the 8000 Regular and Reserve Force men and women required for Force Expansion between now and 2010 hinges on being able to compete with civilian employers. “Competition for people is fierce,” says Colonel Kevin Cotten, Commander CF Recruiting Group (CFRG). “We must be faster, smarter and more agile than our competitors in order to achieve our mission.”

CFRG has upgraded and expanded recruiting centres, and has launched a host of software capabilities and tools that welcome and process applicants in 21st-century style. In addition, the CF has in place policies, programs and services for personnel and their families that make the Forces an employer of choice.

It's equally important, however, for prospective applicants to picture themselves in the CF – and that's where you come in.

We must appeal to more women, aboriginals and people from visible minority groups in order to ensure that the CF remains a viable military force that is fully representative of the Canadian people we serve. The best way to do this is to visibly demonstrate that people from these segments of Canadian society are already serving Canada and making their mark within the Forces. “The face of the Canadian labour force is changing,” Colonel Cotten says, “and the CF must change with it. This is a matter of educating all Canadians about the tremendous opportunities that the CF has to offer.”

If you belong to one or more of these three groups, you can volunteer your time, skills and experiences by:

  • assisting recruiters at career fairs and/or other events;
  • being available to answer potential applicants’ questions about life in the CF;
  • providing a testimonial for recruiting information aids; and/or
  • taking part in an occupational photo or video shoot.

Access the Volunteer Recruiter Application Form for information or to complete the online form.

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For your next posting

check mark I want to represent the CF and what it stands for
check mark I have strong interpersonal skills
check mark I interact well with all Canadians, particularly youth
check mark I can speak confidently in public
check mark I am physically fit
check mark I demonstrate initiative and motivation
check mark I have integrity
check mark I am proud to belong to the profession of arms
check mark I have operational experience

These are the qualities that spell success in the CF recruiting world. If you have these qualities, we ask you to consider joining the high-profile winning team of CF recruiters.

There are about 600 of us – men and women, Regularand Reserve Force, from all environments and occupations – and each of us carries out one of four recruiting functions:

  • Recruiter (master corporal/master seaman to sergeant/petty officer)
  • Military Career Counsellor (captain/lieutenant (navy))
  • File Manager (corporal/MCpl or leading seaman/master seaman)
  • Command and Control (Cpl/LS to major/lieutenant-commander)

As a member of the recruiting team, you’ll have access to a wider variety of posting locations; the opportunity to interact on a daily basis with a wide spectrum of Canadians; the satisfaction of contributing to the sustainment of the CF; a predictable work schedule; and personal and professional growth through working with Canada’s future sailors, soldiers and air personnel and their families.

If you see yourself on the recruiting team, let your chain of command and career manager know as soon as possible to facilitate the succession planning and career development process.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS bullet New CEOTP opens doors for serving personnel, recruits bullet Join the recruiting team for a day, for your next posting bullet 2005 Index of articles bullet New Veterans Charter on the way: New charter meets needs of veterans, families bullet Veterans Charter FAQ bullet New Veterans Charter scenarios bullet Chemical Warfare Agent Testing Recognition Program application deadline approaching bullet UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti medal