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Expressions 30: A Celebration of Student Art from the Waterloo Region


27   mars  2005  au  01   mai   2009


Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener (Ontario)


The KW|AG is proud to celebrate 30 years of exhibiting and honouring student artwork from the Waterloo Region. Each year, we invite Public, Catholic, Independent, and home-schooled students to submit artwork created during the school year to showcase in our professional galleries.

The Gallery recognizes the importance of the arts in education and by extension, the critical role of art and artists in shaping an active, inquisitive, creative, and democratic society. To represent the artistic tradition that is at once diverse and enduring, this year, the KW|AG will exhibit student work alongside professional artists’ work from the permanent collection. Works will be grouped according to broad themes that have interested artists throughout time.