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Pour © communiquer avec : McMichael Canadian Art Collection. Tous droits réservés.

McMichael Canadian Art Collection
Kleinburg (Ontario)

Renowned for showcasing exclusively Canadian art, the gallery features works by the Group of Seven and their contemporaries, First Nations, Inuit and contemporary Canadian artists. The gallery is set amidst 100 acres of stunning woodlands with outdoor sculptures, nature trails and picnic areas. Natural surroundings make the McMichael Gallery a perfect indoor or outdoor destination.


Norval Morrisseau: Shaman Artist,  30 septembre 2006 au 14 janvier 2007,  Exposition


Kinngait: Highlights from the Collection,  07 octobre 2006 au 08 février 2007,  Exposition


Takao Tanabe,  27 janvier 2007 au 21 mai 2007,  Exposition


Renseignements supplémentaires sur les activités

Renseignements sur les collections
The McMichael Canadian Art Collection is comprised of works by the Group of Seven and their contemporaries, First Nations, Inuit, and contemporary Canadian artists.

The Group of Seven paintings, first inspired by Canadian wilderness early in this century, record this nation's rugged landscape in highly individualistic styles.

Works by artists of First Nations and Inuit ancestry as well as contemporary artists who have made a contribution to Canadian Heritage are included in the permanent collection.

Special exhibitions of Canadian art are presented regularly.
Nombre d'objets ou spécimens dans la collection : 6,000 Permanent

Library & Archives are open weekdays 10a.m.-4p.m. by appointment only.

The Library and Archives focus on Canadian art, with a strong emphasis on the Group of Seven and their contemporaries, Inuit, and First Nations art and culture. Our holdings include: books, exhibition catalogues, periodicals, artists' files and slides. The archives contain primary source materials including: photographs, letters, journals, manuscripts, sketch books, audio-visual resources, commercial work and memorabilia.
Documents architecturaux • Documents électroniques • Estampes et dessins • Manuscrits • Microformes • Films et vidéos • Photographies • Enregistrements sonores • Documents textuels
• Autre : Slides; photographs

The collection is comprised of works by the Group of Seven and their contemporaries, Inuit, First Nations, and contemporary Canadian artists.
Culture: Canadienne : Autochtone ou Premières Nations : Inuit
Période : Contemporaine • Historique
Médium : Média mixtes, multimédias ou installations • Peintures • Photographies • Estampes et dessins • Sculptures • Carnets à croquis ou albums
Divers : Art folklorique

Histoire humaine
Objets de cérémonie • Costumes et accessoires • Traitement d'images : Photographie • Masques

Renseignements supplémentaires sur nos collections

The McMichael Canadian Art Collection offers a wide range of services including: a comprehensive education program at the elementary and secondary school levels; guided group tours by appointment; programs for Kindergarten and special interest groups; public tours; lectures; artists in residence; archives; gift shop; meeting and wedding facilities.

Services de recherche
Library & Archives are open weekdays 10a.m.-4p.m. by appointment only.

The Library and Archives focus on Canadian art, with a strong emphasis on the Group of Seven and their contemporaries, Inuit, and First Nations art and culture. Our holdings include: books, exhibition catalogues, periodicals, artists' files and slides. The archives contain primary source materials including: photographs, letters, journals, manuscripts, sketch books, audio-visual resources, commercial work and memorabilia.
Dossiers d'archives • Bibliothèque • Diapothèque

Programmes éducatifs
All gallery programs have been designed to complement the new Ontario curriculum. Our experienced educators engage students in activities that meet specific expectations in areas of: knowledge of elements, creative work and critical thinking. Programs are highly interactive, with an emphasis on developing visual awareness and vocabulary so students may appreciate and discuss works of art.
Programmes pour les écoles : 0-4 ans (Préscolaire) : 5-11 ans (Maternelle à 6e année) : 12-17 ans 7e à 13e années (Québec : Secondaire 1 à CEGEP) : 18 ans et plus (Postsecondaire) • Programmes pour la famille • Cours ou ateliers • Démonstrations • Centre ou salles de découvertes • Films • Stages • Causeries

Services aux visiteurs
Services bilingues • Film et vidéo • Visites guidées : Anglais : Français • Près des transports en commun • Activités et services pour jeunes : Poussettes disponibles : Salle réservée à l'allaitement ou table à langer • Location de salles de réunion • Sentiers d'interprétation de la nature ou jardins • Stationnement : Payant • Boutique • Aménagement pour besoins spéciaux : Stationnement : Écriteaux : Toilettes : Fauteuils roulants disponibles : Accessible aux fauteuils roulants • Vestiaire • Toilettes
• Autre : Gallery membership
• Autres visites guidées : Public tours of the gallery and major special exhibitions are available every weekend at 1:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Services de bénévoles
Services de bénévoles offerts • Formation aux bénévoles offerte
Nombre de bénévoles :  35+
Tâches :  The gallery has a volunteer program that focuses on a collegial framework to support the gallery's mission.
Activities encompass but are not limited to docent program, event fundraising and delivery of support for public programs. Docents conduct educational tours for school groups and the general public.

Avantages d'adhésion
Free gallery admission and parking; 2 free guest passes per year; discounts in the Gallery Shop; newsletters; invitations to exhibition openings and Members' events; reciprocal admission privileges with many other Canadian galleries and museums; acknowledgement in the Annual Report.

Services de restauration
Lighter fare is available in the Tanglewood Cafe, overlooking the scenic Humber Valley. Visitors enjoy soup, sandwiches, salads, pita wraps, muffins, etc. Fresh hamburgers and hotdogs made on the barbeque are available during July and August.
Cafétéria • Casse-croûte ou distributeurs automatiques • Aire de pique-niques • Services de traiteur • Infrastructure d'accueil

Services Internet
Renseignements généraux  •  Collections  •  Activités  •  Éducation  •  Programmes ou visites scolaires  •  Jeunes  •  Directions ou carte  • Histoire locale  •  Boutique  •  Autres services Internet  • 

Liens touristiques locaux
Restaurants  • Magasinage  •  Autres services  • 

Autres services
The McMichael Canadian Art Collection is pleased to offer facilities for meetings and conferences and the perfect location for a unique wedding.

Renseignements supplémentaires sur nos services

Publications et produits
The Gallery Shop and Web site offer special exhibition catalogues. Guests will also find an extensive selection of publications about Canadian artists and the McMichael Canadian Art Collection.

Catalogues • Affiches • Cartes postales • Bulletins d'information • Vidéos • Brochures • Livres • Rapports annuels • T-shirts, sweatshirts ou casquettes • Trousses touristiques • Souvenirs commémoratifs • Trousses pédagogiques • Autre : Sketches (members' newsletter)

Heures d'ouverture et droits d'entrée

Période : Toute l'année 
Ouvert : Open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fermé : Christmas Day (December 25th)
Droits d'entrée : Payante
Adults $15.00
Seniors and Students $12.00
Children under 5 free
Families $30.00
Members Free
Parking $5.00/car
(group tours also available)
Rabais : Aînés • Étudiants • Groupes • Membres de l'AMC

McMichael Canadian Art Collection
10365 Islington Avenue,  Kleinburg (Ontario)
L0J 1C0
Téléphone :   905-893-1121
Télécopieur :   905-893-2588

Courriel :

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Dernière mise à jour : 2006 12 06