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Part VI - Special Education Needs
Part VII - Post Secondary Education in Canada
Part VIII - Family Reunion Travel - Students
Part IX - Family Reunion Travel - Other
Part X - Distance Education
Part XI - Instruction at Home
Part XII - Canadian Curriculum Schools in Europe
Part XIII - Education and Related Care of Dependant Children Guide / Part XIV Post Ceiling/ Part XV - Travel Rates Guidelines
Part XVI - Family Reunion - Unaccompanied Posting
Part XVII - Curriculum

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This page is effective 01 January 2006


640.01  The Department has an agreement with the Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre –, to provide on-line distance learning for all students in Grades 9 to 12 starting school year 2003/2004. Tutors will not be required while doing on-line courses with the Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre (AMDEC), as the teacher will be on-line at specific times of the day (or evening) for scheduled "chats" which may involve guided tutorials, discussions, or perhaps just involve "office hours," where the student may bring any questions about course material forward for clarification and/or direction.

640.02  To register for the Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre courses, the application form is available from the AMDEC Registration site:

  • Register for AMDEC Courses: and click on “I am the son/daughter of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces serving outside of Canada” to download the admission application form, as well as direction on registering with AMDEC.

    Note:  This form must be forwarded to the Outside Canada Support unit along with Form 13DIS - Distance Education/Supplementary Courses or Programs.

640.03  Information on the Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre on-line distance education:

  1. General Information:

    • Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre?
    The Avon Maitland District Education Centre (AMDEC) is an online secondary school credit program administered by the Avon Maitland District School Board.

    • What is online learning?
    Online learning is a system through which curriculum is delivered over a wide area network. Over this wide area network, the student is able to connect to the AMDEC site, login to a course in which the student is registered, and proceed with course work. This means that the student can work on course material at any time, and from anywhere, provided the student has a computer and Internet access.

    • Do online credits count toward my secondary school diploma?
    Yes. Online courses are just like the courses offered in a regular Ontario school setting. The Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre also has a guidance counselor who will be able to assist the student with course selections and choices based on both your individual needs and diploma requirements.

    • What does "Continuous Entry" mean?
    All AMDEC courses run on a continuous entry model. What this essentially means is that once a student has completed the registration process, he/she will be placed into the course(s) immediately and can work at their own speed. The AMDEC operates on a September - June school year calendar. Some students will want to take the whole school year to complete their courses, while other students will want to move through their courses more quickly. The point is, students will have a choice!

    While continuous entry provides students with a great deal of academic freedom, it does not mean that students don't have to keep up with work during the course. Once a student has been admitted to a course, he/she will be expected to login regularly, work at the material, participate in class chats, etc. Remember, whether students choose to spend a full ten months on the course or to "fast track", you are expected to be active in the course, hand in assignments, take tests, etc.

    Because AMDEC operates within a traditional school year calendar, registrations for all courses will be closed two weeks after the end of Semester 1 of each school year to ensure that students have enough time to complete the course material prior to the administration of the final assessment component of their course(s) in June. Students wishing to enrol in courses, but who have not completed the registration process by the registration cut-off date, will be placed in classes for the following September.

    Top of  Page

    • How are online courses taught?
    When students register for an online course within the Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre, they will be provided with login information such as a UserID and password. Students will also receive an Internet address (URL) to the course. When students login for the first time, they will be given access to a course on First Class. In this course, students will be provided with a tutorial, which teaches them how to download and operate First Class, the AMDEC communications software. As well, a Student Handbook is included, which provides important information about everything from diploma requirements to online communication etiquette! Once students have finished the tutorials, they will be required to write a short quiz and when they have successfully passed this quiz, the course will be made available to them.

    Once a student "arrives" in the course, be sure to look at the course outline, which will outline the course content and describe how the course will be delivered and what is required of the student. Although all of the Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre's online courses look the same, the teacher is ultimately in charge of how the course will run.

    • What about final examinations?
    In cases where an examination is part of the final assessment for a course, the final examination shall be written in the presence of a proctor. Students will be required to make arrangements for the proctor, based on AMDEC Guidelines, which will be provided to the student.

    • Why offer courses over a network?
    Courses delivered in this fashion allow students more flexibility in terms of the courses they are able to take. Students must, however, be motivated and focused. If a student is motivated and focused, online learning can be rewarding, convenient, and even fun!

    • Who teaches online courses?
    Certified teachers who are employed by the Avon Maitland District School Board deliver online course material for AMDEC. The teachers are assigned to both online and regular day school classes. Each teacher receives ongoing training and support so that they are comfortable with the online approach to both teaching and learning.

    • What about textbooks and other resources?
    Where published material is available, courses offered by the Avon Maitland District Education Centre are supported by Nelson Thomson Learning resources. Textbook resources are available in electronic format (PDF read only) which support the instruction given in the e-classroom for all courses except English.

    • Are online courses harder or easier than regular classroom courses?
    This very much depends on the student and the course he/she is taking. The curriculum expectations for online courses are identical to the curriculum expectations for courses delivered in a regular classroom setting. Studies have shown that both students and teachers tend to spend more time working on courses delivered online when compared to the same course delivered in the traditional classroom setting. If a student is not, at this time, comfortable with computers, some of the time will be spent figuring out how to carry out different applications on the computer. As a general rule, however, students should plan on devoting at least as many hours to online courses as they would to regular classroom courses.

    • Will "attendance" be monitored?
    Students do need to check-in as required by the teacher and this is monitored. As well, students need to contribute to classroom conferences and communicate with the instructor on a regular basis. The teacher will be online at specific times of the day (or evening) for scheduled "chats" which may involve guided tutorials, discussions, or perhaps just involve "office hours," where students may bring any questions about course material forward for clarification and/or direction

    • Will I benefit from online courses?
    In most cases, this form of course delivery works well. Obvious prerequisites include motivation, computer familiarity, and the ability to work independently and meet deadlines. Remember, though, that although there is daily contact with others in the class, there may not be any face-to-face meetings. For students with some learning styles, taking online courses may not be an appropriate choice.

    • What about privacy and security?
    Students are only able to enter a course with a UserID and password, which is assigned at registration and private to the user. No personal information is accessible to anyone else. Privacy is governed in exactly the same way as it is in the regular day school program. Privacy Policy

    • What equipment is required?
    Students need to have a stable connection to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Arranging and maintaining an Internet connection is the student's responsibility. For further information on hardware requirements see the hardware requirements page.

    Some courses will require specialized hardware and software and these requirements are listed with the courses in the Course Offerings section of the AMDEC website.

    • Are there any fees?
    • Upon completion of Form 13DIS DND will pay all course fees on behalf of the member. As the member is responsible for fees paid, withdrawals must be substantiated.

    • Where do I learn more?
    Students can contact the Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre to request more information about online course opportunities and one of the staff members will respond to questions, via email or contact the principal at:

  2. Technical Requirements:

    Internet Access and Computer Hardware Issues

    To take an online course, you must have access to a reliable computer with Internet Explorer 5.5 or better. An Internet Service Provider (ISP) will be necessary to access the Internet. Please realize that if you use a “dial-up service” that your access time will be slow. A cable modem, Broadband, or DSL are the best ways to access the Internet for AMDEC courses.

    It is recommended that your computer meet the minimum guidelines listed below the Hardware heading. Students should check specific course descriptions for any required equipment, i.e. scanners (Art courses), ability to record audio (French courses), and so on.


    Pentium 133 with 32Mb Ram
    Monitor/video card capable of 1024x768
    56.6 kb/s modem
    100Mb available space on hard drive
    CD or DVD drive
    Sound card
    16 bit video card with 1Mb memory


    Windows (98, 2000, or XP) – we do not recommend ME
    Internet Explorer (Version 5.5 or better)
    FirstClass Client (free download upon acceptance in course)
    WordPerfect or Microsoft Word are the accepted word processors
    QuattroPro or Microsoft Excel are the accepted spreadsheet programs
    Adobe Acrobat Reader
    Students are required to check specific course listings for additional software, hardware or materials that may be required.


    Keep in mind that we do not recommend you take an Internet course to learn how to use a computer. You MUST be able to use a computer efficiently to be able to be successful in an Internet course. Teachers assume you have the basic skills and knowledge we have outlined above.

    Top of  Page

  3. Helpful Links:

    Ontario's New Standards for High School:

    What factors should I consider when choosing courses for my child?

    What are the High School Diploma Requirements in Ontario?

    Some terms you should know:

    Where can I learn more about Ontario Curriculum?

640.04  The arrangement provides students the opportunity to obtain an Ontario Credit for secondary (grade 9 to grade 12) courses. The on-line distance learning package follows the curriculum guidelines set by the Ministry of Ontario Education and Training. These curriculum guidelines are designed for on-line distance learning and provide a structural learning package for the student to follow.

640.05  Under the terms of the agreement:

Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre will:

  1. provide services only to pupils enrolled in the schools or programs identified by DND;
  2. accept enrolments in the courses offered by AMDEC;
  3. Process pre-coded enrolment forms from identified schools or programs;
  4. Provide AMDEC course materials, instructional services, and marking services;
  5. Issue credit to the pupil upon successful completion of the course;
  6. Issue transcripts for credits earned at AMDEC, upon request of DND;
  7. Invoice DND on a monthly basis;
  8. Provide DND with adequate information to support each billing.

DND will:

  1. Provide the Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre with a list of Outside Canada Support Units and AFNORTH International School contacts, phone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses. Any additions or deletions to this list must be made by DND in writing and forwarded to the ADMEC. This agreement does not obligate DND to identify a specific number of pupils for enrolment in AMDEC courses;
  2. Pay the cost of courses within 30 days of receiving an invoice issued.
  3. Be responsible for registration enquiries, guidance, course selection, providing a test site and test supervisor, and returning loaned course materials to AMDEC;
  4. Use the appropriate pre-coded enrolment forms provided by DND and be responsible for controlling the distribution of the enrolment forms;
  5. Maintain a mailing address in Ontario.

The Student will:

  1. fully complete each course and return to teacher for marking;
  2. be responsible for supplying their own computer, internet provide, computer equipment required for each course;
  3. return all course material at the end of course to ADMEC.

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640.06  In addition with the agreement with Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre, the Department has an agreement with TV Ontario’s Independent Learning Centre (TVO/ILC) to provide distance-learning for students outside Canada in Grades 9 12.

640.07  In April, 2002, the Independent Learning Centre joined TVOntario, the province’s official provider of educational services on air and online. The ILC is one of four unique educational services offered by TVOntario’s E-learning Centre.

  • Log on to ILC’s Web site ( for up-to-date information on all our courses and new course releases.

640.08  To register for TVOntario’s Independent Learning Centre grade 9 to grade 12 courses, contact your Outside Canada Support Unit for proper ordering forms (controlled numbers).

640.09  To obtain funding for distance education Form 13DIS - Distance Education/ Supplementary Courses or Programs must be completed and submitted to your Outside Canada Support Unit prior to registration.

640.10  Under the terms of the agreement: TV Ontario's Independent Learning Centre will:

  1. provide services only to pupils enrolled in the schools or programs identified by DND;
  2. accept enrolments in the courses described in the TVO/ILC Course Guide or subsequent addenda current at the time of enrolment;
  3. Process pre-coded enrolment forms from identified schools or programs;
  4. Provide TVO/ILC course materials, instructional services, and marking services;
  5. Issue certification to the pupil upon successful completion of the course;
  6. Issue transcripts for credits earned at TVO/ILC, upon request of DND;
  7. Invoice DND on a monthly basis;
  8. Provide DND with adequate information to support each billing.

DND will:

  1. Provide the TVOntario’s Independent Learning Centre with a list of schools and programs approved to access the program. Any additions or deletions to this list must be made by DND in writing and forwarded to the Ministry. This agreement does not obligate DND to identify a specific number of pupils for enrolment in TVO/ILC courses;
  2. Pay the cost of courses within 30 days of receiving an invoice issued.
  3. Be responsible for registration enquiries, guidance, course selection, providing a test site and test supervisor, and returning loaned course materials to TVO/ILC;
  4. Ensure that procedures are in place to receive and distribute mail and provide test supervision for students;
  5. Use the appropriate pre-coded enrolment forms provided by the Ministry and be responsible for controlling the distribution of the enrolment forms;
  6. Maintain a mailing address in Ontario.

The Student will:

  1. fully complete all units of each course and return to teacher in Toronto for marking;
  2. enclose a postage paid envelope with each lesson;
  3. be responsible for supplying their own cassette recorder;
  4. return all course material at the end of course to TVO/ILC.

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640.11  Your Outside Canada Support Unit will be responsible for…

  1. processing your application;
  2. providing the learning support curriculum;
  3. providing the learning support package;
  4. If applicable for Grade 9-12, order your TVO/ILC course using proper ordering forms (controlled numbers);

640.12  The member and student will be responsible for…

  1. supplying their own cassette recorder, CD player, Video tape player;
  2. ensuring all materials are safeguarded and maintain in the condition received;
  3. Return direct to TVO/ILC materials used at Grade 9-12 Level.


  1. Education Allowance for fees expenses and charges for supplementary courses or programs, or where a structure course or program is not available, private tutoring, undertaken after notification of posting at the old place of duty prior to relocation or at the new place of duty following relocation.
  2. Courses or programs must be recommended by a competent educational authority in order to meet a requirement for a compulsory course and/or to enable the student to meet appropriate grade level at the school at the new place of duty.
  3. Such expenses will only be authorized where the academic deficiency is attributable to foreign service and is not due to the fault or choice of the student and/or member.
  4. Distance Education courses in subjects not provided by the school attended for the student but required by a Canadian Provincial education system for secondary graduation.
  1. Provide language tutoring prior to arrival of a student changing Language of Instruction due to foreign posting.
  2. Provide for prerequisite courses at a new school at the post, which will permit a student to enter a course at appropriate grade level.
  3. Ensure students returning to a Canada Provincial Education System meet graduation requirement at same time as their peers.
REMARKS References:

  • FSD 34.01(c)(i)(D)(1)

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Distance Education Websites

640.13  Other distance education information may be obtained from the following web sites:

ALBERTA Name of Program: Learning Technologies Branch
Internet Site:
Address and E-mail:
Box 4000
Barrhead, AB, T7N 1P4
Ph. 403/674 5350
FAX 403/674 6561
BRITISH COLUMBIA Name of Program:  Open School Distance Education
Internet Site:
MANITOBA Name of Program:  Manitoba Education Research & Learning Information Networks (MERLIN)
Internet Site:
NEW BRUNSWICK Name of Program: TeleEducation
Web Site:
NEWFOUNDLAND Name of Program:  None Found
(questions on education in Newfoundland)
NOVA SCOTIA Name of Program:  Network Nova Scotia
Web Site:
E-mail and Address:
Network Nova Scotia
3770 Kempt Road
Halifax, N.S. B3K 4X8
FAX 902 424 0633
  1. Name of Program: Various school districts offer distance education. Check Ontario Ministry of Education web site for school districts (

  2. Name of Program: Avon Maitland Distance Education Centre
    The Avon Maitland District Education Centre (AMDEC) is an online secondary school credit program administered by the Avon Maitland District School Board.
    Web Site:
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Name of Program: None Found
(questions regarding education in PEI)
QUÉBEC Name of Program: BouScol à la Cyberscol
Web Site:
SASKATCHEWAN Name of Program: Saskatchewan Government Correspondence School
Site Web :


Secondary 1 through 5 and CEGEP

640.14  Distance Education in Quebec is available from Secondary 1 level through CEGEP. Members whose children are interested in this option should consult the following website - Distance Education in the province of Quebec, is conducted by school boards throughout the province. Information on what is available from various school boards may be obtained by visiting -

640.15  For members whose children would like to take distance education courses on line at the CEGEP level, information can be found at