DEM Home
Table of Contents
Administrative Forms
Foreign Service Directives
Part 1 - Administration
Part II - Grade Guidelines
Part III - Schooling at the Post
Part IV - Language Programs
Part V - Schooling away from the Post
Part VI - Special Education Needs
Part VII - Post Secondary Education in Canada
Part VIII - Family Reunion Travel - Students
Part IX - Family Reunion Travel - Other
Part X - Distance Education
Part XI - Instruction at Home
Part XII - Canadian Curriculum Schools in Europe
Part XIII - Education and Related Care of Dependant Children Guide / Part XIV Post Ceiling/ Part XV - Travel Rates Guidelines
Part XVI - Family Reunion - Unaccompanied Posting
Part XVII - Curriculum

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Table of Contents
» Next : Part X – Distance Education
« Previous : Part VIII - Family Reunion Travel - Policy and Student Travel

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Dependent Education Management.


This page is effective 01 January 2006


Treasury Board Guidelines:

The 1997 conversion of some entitlements and reimbursement to non-accountable allowances has resulted in significant changes to administrative procedures. Detailed accountability procedures requiring a list of exact expenditures with support receipts no longer apply.

However, one of the conditions of the tax-free status of the allowances is that they are spent only for the specific purpose identified by the employer.

The onus continues to be on the member to demonstrate that the funds were spent for the specific purpose for which they were issued.

Travel allowances:

  • Allowance shall be issued as close to the proposed date of travel as possible, taking into account the need to book tickets in advance.

Verification of use of the allowance

  • While travel allowances are non-accountable, the member is required to demonstrate that the allowance has been used for the purpose intended.
  • Within specified time limits, the member must complete and submit a Travel Certification form. This certification, which must be signed or sent by e-mail from the members personal e-mail account, will form the basis of any subsequent audit.
  • Members will be required to retain evidence of travel to support the purpose of the allowance for a period of seven years. If members cannot demonstrate that the allowance has been used for the purpose intended, the allowance will be adjusted and reduced by the portion of the allowance, which cannot be substantiated.
  • No further travel allowances will be issued until the member has submitted required documentation regarding previous travel allowance.

634.00 Effective 01 September 2002, Family Reunion travel allowances require verification and certification.

  1. (Verification) Use Part II - Travel Allowance - Verification and Certification on all travel forms. The member is required to prove to the administering Canadian Forces Support Unit Approving Officer that FRT allowance provided has been utilized within the parameter and the intent of the allowance.
  2. (Requirement) Although FRT allowance is non-accountable; the member is required to prove that the FRT allowance was expended within the intent of the benefit.
  3. (Timing) proof upon completion of travel, but not later than 30 days after completion of travel associated with FRT allowance.
  4. (Proof of travel) proof of having reached the authorized FRT location may consist of a photocopy of the hotel receipt or boarding passes or passport entries. An approved leave form is not acceptable proof of travel.
  5. (Transportation costs) clearly identified transportation costs on any proof submitted to support any FRT allowance claimed.
  6. (Recovery action) if proof cannot be produced as required, recovery action is to be taken.
  7. (Unsubstantiated portion) If a member cannot prove that the allowance has been used for the purpose intended, the member is to return the unsubstantiated portion of the allowance.
  8. (Additional FRT Allowance) No additional FRT Allowance is issued until the verification procedure, and adjustments have been completed.


634.01 Family Reunion Travel Allowance is an allowance based on and provided for a 12-month period to assist with family reunification on behalf of entitled travellers when such separation is due to a foreign posting outside Canada. Certain parameters apply.

Note: Benefits are based on a 12-month period. For a period over 6 months but less than 12 months one Family Reunion Travel Allowance will be authorized. The minimum eligibility period for one visit is 6 months.

634.02 Benefits on behalf of Child not in school, Dependent Child Visiting under Custody arrangements and unaccompanied posting situations are based on a 12-month period commencing on the date of the member's arrival at the Post. Children age entitlement will be based on date of travel using the criteria established on behalf of dependent students being educated away from the Post.

Note: Articles 634 to 638 are to read in conjunction with Article 631.

Child Not in School
  • Up to the school year of the 18th birthday; or
  • Over 18 years, up to the school year of the 21st birthday
Unaccompanied Postings Based on same age limitations as dependent student/child
Dependent Child visiting under a custody arrangements Based on same age limitations as dependent student/child

Top of page

Child Not In School Defined

635.00 The child of an member/spouse/common law partner who:

  1. is not a dependent student;
  2. does not reside with the member at the Post; and(
  3. normally resides, and is in a dependent relationship with the member/spouse/common law partner in Canada.

635.01 Family Reunion Travel Allowance entitlement: A Family Reunion Travel Allowance may be provided to the member for

  1. two return trips in a twelve-month period, if the child has not yet attained 19 years of age, for travel between the location of the child and the Post, up to the cost of travel between the Post and the headquarters city, where the last year of entitlement shall be the twelve-month period commencing September 1st in which the 18th birthday occurs.
  2. one return trips in a twelve-month period, up to and including the year of the 21st birthday, for travel between the location of the child and the Post, up to the cost of travel between the Post and the headquarters city, where the last year of entitlement shall be the twelve-month period commencing September 1st in which the 21st birthday occurs.
APPROVAL By the Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authority Officer:
  • Up to dollar amount listed in Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines
PARAMETERS 18 years of age or younger - up to 2 return trips.Over 18 and up to including year of 21st birthday 1 return tripItinerary showing cost must be included with request.
INTENT The intent of Family Reunion Travel Allowance is to assist with the cost of Family Reunion on behalf of a Child not in school and meeting the parameters of such child under 635.00, from member's Headquarters City to Post based on a 12-month period commencing on the date of the member's arrival at Post.
REMARKS References: NOTE: All travel arrangements are member's responsibility and to be done 60 days prior to travel. Entitlements are based on the same Treasury Board set age limitations (determined as of date of travel) as applied to dependent students being educated away from the Post.

Visiting Under Custody Agreements

Where a custody agreement is in place, a family reunion travel allowance may be authorized as follows.

Reunion with Dependent Child's Other Parent

636.00 Where the member/spouse/common law partner is responsible for travel for a dependent child,

  1. who is residing with the member at the Post; or
  2. who is a dependent student for which an Education Allowance has been authorized and the student is being educated away from the Post.

636.01 To visit the other parent, a family reunion travel allowance may be authorized for up to two trips in a 12-month period, less the cost of travel, if any, between the location of the child's other parent and the member's headquarters city.

  • Note 1: Travel under this section shall apply to cases of joint custody, and shall not exceed the frequency of travel permissible.

  • Note 2: Travel under this section also applies to a child of the member/spouse/common law partner up to the 12-month period of the child's 21st birthday, 12 month period would be 1 September - 30 August, but where a custody agreement does not apply because of the child's age.

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  1. Custody Agreement stipulating travel responsibilities must be provided and housed on the member's travel file before this benefit can be authorized.
  2. Provided #1 has been satisfied, then the Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authority Officer may authorize:
    • Up to dollar amount listed in Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines
  • Children of previous marriage residing at the Post-
  • Custody Agreement stipulating travel responsibilities by member/spouse/common law partner is required for this benefit
  • Up to 2 return trips from the Post to Headquarters city
  • Travel itinerary showing cost required
  • No entitlement for Escort travel unless child has special needs (mentally or physical challenged)
INTENT The intent of Family Reunion Travel Allowance in this case is to permit a dependent child residing at Post to have r family reunion at least once a year with the other parent.
REMARKS References: NOTE:
  • All travel arrangements are member's responsibility and to be done 60 days prior to travel.
  • Entitlements are based on the same Treasury Set age limitations (determined as of date of travel) as applied to dependent students being educated away from the Post.
  • Travel is based on a 12 - month period commencing on the COS date of the member and/or member's spouse, as applicable.

Non -Dependent Child Visiting The Post

636.02 A Family Reunion Travel allowance may be authorized for a child of the member/spouse/common law partner, who does not qualify as a dependent residing at the Post for the sole reason that the child does not normally reside with member/spouse/common law partner, but the latter has visiting privileges with the child under the terms of a custody agreement, for up to two trips per 12-month period, from the location of the child to the member's Post, less the cost of travel, if any, between the location of the child and the members headquarters city.

  • Note 1: Travel under this section shall apply to cases of joint custody, and shall not exceed the frequency of travel permissible.

  • Note 2: Travel under this section also applies to a child of the member/spouse/common law partner up to the 12-month period of the child's 21st birthday, 12 month period would be 1 September - 30 August, but where a custody agreement does not apply because of the child's age.
APPROVAL By the Senior Officer: Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines
  • Up to dollar amount listed in Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines
  • Children of previous marriage NOT at the Post -
  • Divorce/Separation agreement stipulating visitation rights is required
  • Up to 2 return trips
  • Travel itinerary showing cost required with request.
  • No entitlement for Escort travel unless child has special needs (mentally or physical challenged)
INTENT The intent of Family Reunion Travel Allowance in this case is to permit a non-dependent child residing away from the Post and the member/spouse/common law partner has visiting privileges, to have family reunion at least once a year at the Post.
REMARKS References: NOTE:
  • All travel arrangements are member's responsibility and to be done 60 days prior to travel.
  • Entitlements are based on the same Treasury Board set age limitations (determined as of date of travel) as applied to dependent students being educated away from the Post.
  • Travel is based on a 12 - month period commencing on the COS date of the member and/or member's spouse, as applicable.

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Unaccompanied at the Post

637.00 A Family Reunion Travel Allowance may be provided to a member in an unaccompanied situation on behalf of dependent family members within certain parameters-(spouse, child, dependent student or non-student not residing at the Post).

FORM 22 and 22A FRT-UNACCOMPANIED POSTING - Option # 1 and # 2
Form 22A: GRC0000B0955
  1. the lowest airfare appropriate to a particular itinerary, including APEX, charters and other reduced or discounted fares, for the most direct routing between the post and either the location of the dependent or the headquarters city, as applicable;
  2. an amount for local transportation costs to and from airports at the points of departure and/or destination; if these costs are not known when the allowance is issued, a supplementary allowance may be issued using Form 26- Submission to NDHQ / TB Secretariat Interdepartmental Working Group;
  3. an amount to cover the expenses for meals, accommodation and local transportation to and from the airport for a necessary stopover, where it is not possible or practicable to arrange an itinerary which will permit continuing travel to the approved destination, when authorized in advance by DCBA 5/DEM; if these costs are not known when the allowance is issued, a supplementary allowance may be issued using Form 26- Submission to NDHQ / TB Secretariat Interdepartmental Working Group;
  4. discount and reduced fares shall be selected prior to full fare economy where these rates are available; significant savings can be realized if flights are booked as far in advance as possible; members are expected to make travel arrangements 60 days in advance of travel; unless there is a reason acceptable to DCBA 5/DEM, full-fare economy shall not be authorized;
  5. where more than one rate is available for the same standard of air travel, depending on whether the ticket is purchased in Canada or at the post, the most economical airfare shall be used; and
  6. where the member purchases restricted tickets in advance, in order to obtain a reduced fare, the employer will reimburse the cost of the fee necessary to change the ticket, should it be necessary to change the dates of travel for reasons beyond the reasonable control of the member.
Note 1:
In an effort to cut costs, major airline carriers have initiated a number of new policies and fees including implementation of fees for paper tickets that could have been issued as electronic tickets and expiration of non-refundable tickets after departure date.

  1. costs associated for issue of paper tickets will not be refunded or considered when determining FRT allowance.
  2. members are to carefully consider purchase of non-refundable tickets. If travel dates are in doubt, a less restrictive (a bit more expensive) alternative may be a better choice. Every effort must be taken to secure the most economical airfare. Full fare economy is not permitted in this situation without prior approval from DCBA 5/DEM. Use Form 26- Submission to NDHQ / TB Secretariat Interdepartmental Working Group.

Rail - costs cannot exceed most economical air travel. See parameters above.

Car - if the dependent or member prefers to drive, the FRT allowance shall be based on the lower appropriate kilometric / mileage rate for return travel between the location of the dependent and the post, up to the cost of the lowest airfare determined in accordance with airfare parameters listed above.

The lower kilometric/mileage rate applicable to Ottawa (as approved by the National Joint Council is quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site

Approving authority for travel by Rail or Car is DCBA 5/DEM.

PMC travel or rail travel will only be approved if submitted more than 60 days prior to commencement date of travel. Member to complete Form 22PMC-Travel by Other than Air.


By the Canadian Forces Support Unit Approving Authority Officer for:

Option # 1: Family members (Dependants) travel to the Post.

Option # 2: Travel by Member in lieu of all entitled Family Members (Dependants)
By NDHQ//DCBA 5//Dependent Education Management//

Option # 3: See article 637.03 of this Part. Travel by Family to Third Location - Location on a Direct Routing between Member's Headquarters City/Post


A Family Reunion Travel allowance, subject to verification, and certification by the member within 30 days after completion of authorized travel, may be authorized by the Canadian Forces Support Unit Approving Authority being guided by:

Option # 1: Family members (Dependants) travel to the Post.

Option # 2: Travel by Member in lieu of all entitled Family Members (Dependants)

  • up to dollar amount listed in Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines
    Available from
    Or By DCBA 5/DEM:

Option #3: See article 637.03 of this Part. Travel by Family to Third Location - Location on a Direct Routing between Member's Headquarters City/Post

  • travel plan using Form 22A - Travel by Family to Third Location - Location on a Direct Routing between Member's Headquarters City/Post
Note 1: Unsubstantiated portion of the Family Reunion Travel authorized will be recovered.
  • Up to 2 return trips in a 12-month period commencing the date a member arrives at the Post. Entitlement for dependent student/child based on ages used for students or non-students.
  • Entitlement would include dependent Spouse.

The intent is to provide family reunion travel in one of three ways:

Use Form 22 - FRT-Unaccompanied Posting for:

  1. Travel from Headquarters city to Post on behalf of entitled travellers.
  2. Travel by member in lieu of all entitled dependants.
    Use Form 22A - FRT-Travel by Family to Third Location - Location on a Direct Routing between Member's Headquarters City/Post for:
  3. Travel to third location by member and entitled dependants with the Family Reunion taking place at a location between the members Headquarters City and the Post.

Verification of use of the allowance within 30 days after completion of authorized travel:

Use PART II Travel Allowance - Verification and Certification on all travel forms.

  • While travel allowances are non-accountable, the member is required to demonstrate that the allowance has been used for the purpose intended.
  • Within 30 days of completion of travel, the member must complete and sign PART II Travel Allowance - Verification and Certification and submit to the Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authority by mail or by e-mail from the members personal e-mail account. Travel Allowance - Verification and Certification will form the basis of any subsequent audit.
  • Members will be required to retain evidence of travel to support the purpose of the allowance for a period of seven years. If members cannot demonstrate that the allowance has been used for the purpose intended, the allowance will be adjusted and reduced by the portion of the allowance, which cannot be substantiated.
  • No further travel allowances will be issued until the member has submitted required documentation regarding previous travel allowance.
REMARKS Reference: NOTE: All travel arrangements are member's responsibility and to be done 60 days prior to travel.

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Treasury Board Age Parameters- Dependent Student/Child

Primary/Secondary Full-time Student Over 3 years 8 months, up to the school year of the 21st birthday
Post Secondary Full-time Student
  • Over 3 years 8 months, up to the school year of the 21st birthday; or
  • Over 21 years, up to the school year of the 23rd birthday
Child Not in School
  • Up to the school year of the 18th birthday; or
  • Over 18 years, up to the school year of the 21st birthday

Members are reminded that:

  • the intent of allowances must be met and verification of use of the allowance must be forwarded to the Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authority within 30 days after completion of authorized travel,
  • any fraudulent behaviour in relation to the administration and/or entitlement of these allowances will be subject to disciplinary action.

Clarification Chart - Family Reunion Travel Options

Subject to operational requirements and to minimize the separation in families, where such separation is caused by the member being posted unaccompanied, the employer provides for reunion of families at public expense at least once a year.

Dependent spouse/common law partner Up to 2 trips
Dependent Student (up to school year of 21st birthday) Up to 2 trips
Dependent Student (Full-time Post Secondary over 21 up to school year of 23rd birthday 1 trip
Child Not in School (18 years of age or younger) Up to 2 trips
Child Not in School (age 19 or 20 before reaching 21st birthday) 1 trip
Visiting under Custody Arrangements - where a custody arrangement is in place, a Family Reunion Travel allowance may be authorized for:
a reunion with dependant child's other parent
(does not apply in an unaccompanied posting situation)
b non-dependent child visiting post - visiting privileges with a child under terms of a custody agreement, from the location of the child to the member's post less the cost of travel, if any, between the location of the child and the member's Headquarters City
Up to 2 trips

637.03 Family Reunion Travel Allowance entitlement: up to two Family Reunion Travel Allowance may be paid for two visits based on a 12-month period commencing the date the member arrives at the Post as follows.

  1. Option # 1:Family Members - Dependent or Dependants Travel: travel from Headquarters city to the Post on behalf of dependent spouse and, if applicable, entitled dependants who have remained in Canada as a result of an unaccompanied posting;


This means entitled dependent and/or dependants (if applicable) travel from Headquarters City (member's last post in Canada) to Post.

  • Age parameters apply to dependants other than spouse.
  • Student status applies
  • Travel parameters apply to all travellers.
  • Bookings are to be done in Canada.
  • Submit Form # 22 along with copy of itinerary showing costs and the member claims an amount "up to" the "Established Ceiling" (amount shown on itinerary) excluding Taxes plus an amount (usually "up to" $100.00 per FRT) for ground transportation to/from airport and en route meals.
  • For example, tickets cost for all entitled travellers, $2000.00 dollars that is within the ceiling. The member would claim Airfare of $2000.00 plus Tax plus "up to" $100.00 (as applicable) to cover cost of ground transportation and en route airport meals. Ceiling can not be exceeded.


  1. Option # 2: Member Travels: from Post to Headquarters city by Member in Lieu of all entitled dependants;

Note 1: Member may travel in lieu of all entitled dependants, however, the Family Reunion Travel Allowance will be based on travel by the member from the Post to Headquarters City

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This means the member travels from Post to Headquarters City (member's last post in Canada). "IN LIEU" travel liquidates one FRT entitlement per entitled family member.

  • Age parameters apply.
  • Student status applies.
  • Air booking is done at Post.
  • Submit Form # 22 along with copy of itinerary showing costs and the member claims an amount up to the "Established Ceiling" (amount shown on itinerary) excluding Taxes plus an amount (usually $50.00 to $100.00 per FRT) for ground transportation to/from airport and en route meals.
  • For example, member's tickets cost $1000.00 dollars plus tax which is within the ceiling. The member would claim Airfare of $1000.00 plus Tax plus up to $50.00 to $100.00 to cover the cost of ground transportation to/from airport and en route meals.


  1. Option # 3: Travel to a Third Location effective 01 September 2002:
    In special circumstances, which include any of the following:
  • (a) security, health or environmental conditions at mission make it unwise for dependants to visit;

  • (b) a long flight or many time zone changes in proportion to the length of family reunion;

  • (c) it is more convenient for the family to meet at a midway location because of individual work and/or school schedules;

  • (d) dependants may be in separate locations;

where reunion at a third location will facilitate reunion of the member and all eligible dependants for family reunion travel under this part, provided that the intent of family reunion is best met, return travel may be authorized to a location on a direct routing to the mission, for the member and any dependant(s) eligible for travel under this part.

In determining third location for family reunion travel based on direct routing to/from post using the most practical direct flight, as defined below, the member shall provide the itinerary showing the intended third location using a carrier associated with one of the following airline alliances:

(a) Star alliance
(; or

(b) Northwest Airlines Global Alliance Partners
(; or

(c) Sky Team

Instruction 1: Unlike a non-stop, a direct flight will make one or more stops between the two places. The passenger may have to change planes or even change airlines within the chosen alliance.

Instruction 2: Third location may be at the end of any segment of an intended direct routing between post and headquarters city.

Instruction 3: The allowance available will be calculated using the member's supplied costed itinerary showing the third location direct routing chosen by the member, but the dollar amount available for the allowance using the Treasury Board direct routing to/from post cannot be exceeded.

4. Financial implications would be that travelling expenses of all persons authorized to travel from the post are not to exceed the total travelling expenses that would have been incurred for travel to post by all eligible dependants/children.

Air Canada

637.031 In 2005, Air Canada changed its fare structure have made available a wide range of fares; each with their own particular characteristics and costs. The following link illustrates the various names and conditions of these fares and classes of service.

637.032 While choices available to the traveller have increased, FSD 35.06 is very clear in what is admissible.

637.033 FSD 35.06 - Instruction 1 states, “The standard for air travel is economy class and this includes APEX, charters and other reduced fares. The lowest available airfare appropriate to a particular itinerary shall be sought when making bookings. Discount and reduced fares shall be selected prior to full fare economy where these rates are available. Significant savings can be realized if flights are booked as far in advance as possible.

637.034 Latitude, Latitude Plus and Executive Class would not admissible for Education Travel, Escort Travel or Family Reunion Travel

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Travel Allowance When Travel Is Other Than By Air

637.04 Member must submit, 60 days prior to commencement of travel date, Form 22PMC - Travel Other than by Air to Outside Canada Support Unit for onward transmission to DCBA 5/DEM for approval.

Travel Rates Guidelines Intent

637.05 The Family Reunion Travel Allowance amount shown in Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines is not intended to be a set amount claimed by a member. In fact, in most cases, due to the administrative nature of this amount and pricing method, cost of a member's travel bookings should be well below this amount. The Family Reunion Travel Allowance figure is set by DCBA 5 / Dependent Education Management and, taking into consideration parameters of FRT allowance, permits the Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authority to authorize an "up to" amount for Family Reunion Travel Allowances. Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines for your Post is available on

CDLS Washington administered posts

CFSU Colorado Springs administered posts

CFSU Europe administered posts

CFSU (E) Detachment Daws Hill administered posts

CFSU Ottawa administered posts

637.051 To assist the Approving Authority in setting an "up to" dollar figure and to satisfy tax compliance, a copy of airfare itinerary shown applicable airfare and tax is to be included when submitting a request for Family Reunion Travel. Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authorities are not authorized to approve FRT allowance requests without an itinerary showing costs will not be approved. Requests received without proper documentation will be returned to the member.


637.06 Applicable forms :


Travel Bookings Caveat

637.061 Travel allowance Forms should be submitted by the member 60 days or more prior to the commencement of travel and received by the Outside Canada Support Unit to permit allowance determination and payment to be made. Members are to be aware that:

  • Travel bookings made on short notice, which may result in a higher airfare, will not result in a higher allowance
  • Higher actual costs due to personal booking choices will not increase the amount of the allowance.
  • Members have the responsibility to arrange for such trips and be responsible for fares they are charged.
  • The allowance does not include member's personal preferences such as length of stay, chosen travel dates or choice of more expensive air carrier.
  • Stopover supplements will not be included.
  • The nine/twelve hour provision for upgrading to business class shall not apply.
  • Lowest available airfare means that advance booking fares are the norm, as opposed to last minute bookings, which would result in higher fares.
  • Flight Insurance on travel bookings is not required, nor will it be reimbursed.
  • Travel Allowance - Verification and Certification must be completed not later than 30 days after completion of travel associated with FRT allowance.

Travel Booking Information

637.062 Flights for Family Reunion Travel should be booked in the country that they originate in. This will help to ensure the member receives the best possible flight costs.

For example:

All Flights originating in Canada may be booked at Travel office located in Canada.

From Post: Flights originating outside Canada are to be booked at a travel agency in the country the flight will originate from.


Travel to the Location of the Separated Dependent

638.00 While it is expected that family reunion will normally occur at the member's Post, at the members request (Form 23) a family reunion travel allowance may be authorized for a return trip between the Post and the location of the child/student, or the headquarters city, as applicable. When travel is approved from the post, such travel shall liquidate one travel entitlement each for all eligible dependants, regardless of their locations or the frequency of travel entitlement.

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1. When considering the financial implications, the travelling expenses of all persons authorized to travel from the mission are to be compared with the total travelling expenses that would have been incurred for travel to mission by all eligible dependants/children under the applicable provisions of this directive.


1. The intent is to provide for family reunion, at least once a year, either at the post/mission, at the location of the separated dependant(s), or, for reasons acceptable to the NDHQ Approving Authority, some other location. This benefit is designed to provide some flexibility in arranging family reunion to recognize circumstances or conditions, which justify family reunion away from the mission. It is intended that travel authorized under this section will result in the member and all dependants having an opportunity to spend time together as a family at one location.

2. It is not the intent of this benefit to provide the member and/or a dependent with additional vacation travel nor a trade-off, so that, for example, where there are two children away from mission, the member would seek to visit them six times during the entitlement period, thus resulting in a family reunion with some members but not others. NDHQ Approving Authority would only approve travel by one parent to visit one child on the recommendation of the appropriate Foreign Service interdepartmental coordinating committee, in unusual personal circumstances which require the presence of a parent at the location of the child, and which would achieve the objective of family reunion.

In lieu of a Child not in School

638.01 Same parameters as a student.

Family Reunion Travel - Visiting Under a Custody Agreement- Reunion of Dependent Child's Other Parent

638.02 In Lieu of Travel benefit would not apply in this situation.

Family Reunion Travel - Visiting Under a Custody Agreement - Non-Dependent Child Visiting Mission

638.03 At the written request of the member and for reasons acceptable to the Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authority Officer, a FRT allowance may be provide to the entitled Father or Mother when such entitled children have a remaining entitlement that would permit such a off-set. In Lieu of Travel benefit would liquidate one FRT on behalf of all entitled dependent travellers regardless of location in Canada.

  • Not to exceed entitlement of entitled traveller
  • An FRT allowance may be provided to the Father or Mother or both when the entitled travellers remaining entitlement would permit such an off set.
  • Such in lieu travel liquidates one FRT on behalf of all entitled dependent travellers regardless of location in Canada.
INTENT While it is expected that family reunion will normally occur at the member's Post, at the members request a family reunion travel allowance may be authorized for a return trip between the Post and the location of the child/student, or the headquarters city, on behalf of entitled travellers. Such in lieu travel liquidates one FRT on behalf of all entitled travellers regardless of location in Canada.
REMARKS References:

NOTE: All travel arrangements are member's responsibility and to be done 60 days prior to travel.

638.04 For other travel benefits that may apply, submit Form 26- Submission to NDHQ / TB Secretariat Interdepartmental Working Group outlining circumstances to DCBA 5/DEM for clarification

  1. Child with Special Needs;
  2. Family Reunion Travel benefits for a Married Service Couple on assignments at different Posts.


639.00 Long Distance Telephone Calls limits that have been established may be authorized by the Approving Authority Officer upon receipt of required documentation Form #24 in the following cases:

APPROVAL By the Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authority Officer:
  • Up to dollar amount listed in Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines
  • Allowance is based on one 5-minute direct dialled telephone call per month from school to Post, for a 10-month period in a school year.
  • School year: 01 September-31 August
  • Applicable to:
    • Secondary Student Away from Post
    • Post Secondary Student up to 21st year
    • Child not in School

Provide an allowance for telephone calls between the location of a dependent child and the member's Post.

Note: Would not apply in Divorced/Separated situations.

REMARKS References:

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639.01 Long Distance Telephone Calls limits that have been established may be authorized by the Senior Officer upon receipt of required documentation Form #24U in the following cases:

APPROVAL By the Outside Canada Support Unit Approving Authority Officer:
  • Up to dollar amount listed in Part XIII – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children Guide – Post Ceiling and Education/Travel Allowances Guidelines
  • Allowance is based on one 5-minute direct dialled telephone call per month from school to Post for a 10-month period in a school year.
  • School year: 01 September-31 August

Provide an allowance for telephone calls between the location of a dependent child and the member's Post.

Note: Would not apply in Divorced/Separated situations.

REMARKS References: