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Main Index
Policy and Regulations
Administrative Forms
100- Regulations and Organization
200- Classroom Management
300- Teacher Contract and Benefits
400- School Transportation
500- Safe Schools Expectations
600- Finance/

Overseas Schools Administration Policy and Regulations

Policy Index by OSAP Section

 100- Regulations And Organization
 200- Classroom Management
 300- Teacher Contract And Benefits
 400- School Transportation
 500- Safe Schools Expectations
 600- Finance/Administration/Purchase

Policy Index by Letter

 A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z


T83 Calculator 600.08.1 Annex G
Taxation 300.03.1 Annex C
Teacher – Communications 200.01.2
Teacher Assistant 200.11.1
Teacher Ethics 200.06.3
Teacher Performance Appraisal 200.08.3
Teacher Performance Objectives 300.08.21 Annex C
Teacher Resources 200.14.2
Teacher Selection 300.01.1
Teacher Travel Expense 600.03.1
Teachers expectations AFNORTH 200.07.3
Teachers expectations SHAPE 200.07.12
Teacher’s Information Log – Professional Development, Extra Curricular and Community Services 300.08.21 Annex E
Telephone 600.07.1 Annex D
Temporary Duty 600.03.1
Testing – Students 200.14.1
Timelines – Move to Europe 300.04.3
Timelines – Moving from Europe 300.04.3
Timelines Administrative 200.01.1
Timetable for Administrative Information 200.07.5 Annex B
Timetable for Learning Support Teacher 200.07.5 Annex A
Transcripts 200.18.1
Travel Away From Place of Duty 300.07.3
Travel by Air 300.04.12 Annex A
Travel by Sea 300.04.12 Annex B
Travelling Expenses 600.03.3
Tuition Fees SHAPE 200.03.2
Tuition Fees AFNORTH 200.03.3