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Branching Out

Canada needs to move quickly to expand into new markets for softwood lumber. The U.S. has no interest in renewing the agreement that has bought temporary peace.

Patchwork climate plan

The provinces can lead on a carbon pricing, by linking the existing systems across the country.

Currents August 2015

The four provinces of western Canada all strive to diversify their economies, but the degree to which that ideal has been achieved varies.

Skills gap is hurting us

Our latest report shows how our productivity could be improved by upgrading essential skills

Walkin' the Walk

Five steps toward efficient cities


Canada West Foundation

The Canada West Foundation focuses on the policies that shape the West’s quality of life. Through our evidence-based research and commentary, we provide objective, practical solutions. For more than 40 years, we have been a passionate advocate for western Canada.

Find out more about the Canada West Foundation.