Défense nationale
Symbole du gouvernement du Canada

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Michael - 12/14/2006 [15:23]
toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Hi everyone i really apperciatewhat you are doin for our contry Nad ihope all of you get home safley to your family because i know from a fact that your parents are scared and worried. i always watch the news and i pray that no one was killed or hurt bacuse alot of people would suffer!! Come back to us safley please.. MAY GOD BE WITH YOU!
PS: we are very garteful for what you are doing for us. Yours truly Michael

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Morand - 12/14/2006 [15:22]
, Alberta,, Canada

Thank you to everyone who is fighting for our freedom and keeping peace alive in the world.

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Grace - 12/14/2006 [15:22]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Hello to all the troops,
        Thank you so much for sacrificing your lives to make the world a better place. Toronto is being decorated for the Christmas season. There is skating in Nathan Philips Square and also the Cavalcade of lights. I wish you could see it!
          Your efforts in the Middle East and elsewhere are being very appriciated in Canada. I bet you miss your families alot. I hope the war will end soon and everythingwill be peacefull again. I hope your Christmas is great without any fighting. May God be with you!!

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Michael - 12/14/2006 [15:20]
toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Hi everyone i really apperciatewhat you are doin for our contry Nad ihope all of you get home safley to your family because i know from a fact that your parents are scared and worried. i always watch the news and i pray that no one was killed or hurt bacuse alot of people would suffer!! Come back to us safley please.. MAY GOD BE WITH YOU!
PS: we are very garteful for what you are doing for us. Yours truly Michael

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edcar - 12/14/2006 [15:19]
toronto, Ontario,, canada

Dear troops,
i really hope that u all have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.I hope u guys can come home to your family and have a great holiday.Oh and thanks for chosing to protect our country.I wish I could help you guys but im to young im only 11 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!oh well.

                a merry
                          your friend

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jonathan - 12/14/2006 [15:19]
toronto, Ontario,, canada

Hi my name is Jonathan .We are having a great Chirstas. I hope you are going tro have a great Chistmas too. I hope all of you will come home safe. I pray for all of and you all have a great holiday.
I am gateful for all you have done for us. Mary god be with you. You are very brave to be there and I hope you make peace. Protect the people keep them safe.

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Vincent - 12/14/2006 [15:17]
toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Troops,
  My name is Vincent and I'm proud to be Canadian. I am going to turn 12 in May. How is it to be on the battle feild where your lives are at stake? We all miss you and we all resecpt you guys and gals you and you for having the courage to help 3rd world countries in their time of need. I think that killing and war are wrong and we have to stop it one way or another.Back home we're full of gratitude for you troops.We all pray for you guys and hope you can come home for the hoiladay
      Vincent Sandir

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Benedict - 12/14/2006 [15:16]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

To our peacekeeper troops,we were grateful of you and your troops to go to war to help the people from the terrorists.We were wanting people to support our troops because we were surprised that the troops were killed by mines or mortar fire so God bless you and have a merry christmas.

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Juliana Angelicchio - 12/14/2006 [15:13]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Dear troops,
We are gratefulyou have gone to war for us. You guys are heroes and you should be proud of that. We are very lucky to have you to protect us.
Please get home soon. We miss you very much and we can't wait to see you.
Juliana Angelicchio

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Rozelen - 12/14/2006 [15:13]
toronto, Ontario,, canada

To:the people who are the bravest

Hello,my name is Rozelen. I maybe ll years old but i would never have the guts to do what you do. May God be with you every step you take to keep peace you will always be in my prayers. Remember you are not just helping people out your making a difference.

I wish the best for your families. They are also very brave. You are the people who make me proud to be canadain, to live in a contry with freedom. thankyou, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
a proud canadian

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andre - 12/14/2006 [15:13]
toronto, Ontario,, canada

dear troops  we all  apriciate the  work that i did for us.when  you helped us and protected us.In this case i should close up my lettler so have  a merry christmas and thanks alot for helping us  from: andre

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Aaron - 12/14/2006 [15:13]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Troops,
    We appreciate your courageous service. I've admired your risk since I was a baby and I still do.Every night I pray for you and sometimes I have have dreams that all the wars have stopped and that you came back to Canada. Maybe someday I will want to be like you, a brave soldier.
    We hope you come back safe with the war ended. When you do come back, visit Toronto and you might find me. I think of all you heroes and you'll never be forgotten. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Aaron Trivno

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Trevor - 12/14/2006 [15:13]
toronto, Ontario,, canada

Dear Troops,
    I am shocked that you're in war during Christmas time.It's supposed to be a time of joy and happiness, not fighting. I appreciate what you're doing for us and our country. May God be with you all.
    I believe in each and every one of you guys,wishing you all good luck.One more thing, I wish that the wounded get healed. I pray for you and your families. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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casey - 12/14/2006 [15:09]
toronto, Ontario,, canada

Dear troops,
My nameis casey  and i dont know how to describe how grateful i am for youre work.I pray for you to have a merry christmas and a happy new year!

You troops are inspiring people.You have touht me i can be anything i want.Keeping the peace is so important so i thank you.


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samantha - 12/14/2006 [15:08]
toronto, Ontario,, canada

dear troops, we will pray for you and your families. we hope you get home safely.hi!from canada! merry christmas! and happy new year!

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Melissa Moores - 12/14/2006 [15:06]
Montreal, Canada, Quebec,, CANADA

I want to congatulate our troops who are serving over seas right now.  It takes a lot of courage to be where they are, not knowing what their outcome will be.  My heart and prayers are with all of the men and women soldiers and their families...here's to keeping our peaceful ways, and for making all of us Canadians proud to be who were are...

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andrew - 12/14/2006 [15:00]
, Ontario,, grimsby

Hey over there. I just wanted to let you all know that everything you guys are doing over there are doing an amazing job over there and it's all greatly apperciated.
Hope you all have a good Christmas and all return home safely.
Best wishes,

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Mike - 12/14/2006 [14:59]
Grismby, Ontario,, Canada

Hi my name is Mike. I am from Grimsby, Ontario. I am writing to thank you for what your doing over there. I wish you the best of luck.


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Eric - 12/14/2006 [14:59]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Thanks for what your doing over there! I am writing from my 4th period history class. I wish you the best of luck.


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Nate - 12/14/2006 [14:59]
grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hi my name is nathan I am writing to you from Grimsby Ontario thank you for what you are doing over there. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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