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Jessica - 12/14/2006 [14:58]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hey, the names Jessica, grade 10 at GSS highschool. I just wanted to wish everyone over there a Merry Christmas, and let you know a lot of people will be thinking about everyone over there over the hoildays. I hope you all know everything you are doing over there is amazing, and everyone back here no matter what age is very proud to know our country has citizens like all of you. I hope all you guys get home safely, know every single one of you are doing a great job over there, and have a Merry Christmas. Remember all of you are getting the best gifts of all over there by saving the lives you are, and rebuilding the schools so children can get an education.
Best wishes, a lot of love,

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Allan - 12/14/2006 [14:57]
Beamsville, Ontario,, Canada

Hey fellow canadians, my name is Allan. I go to a highschool called grimsby secondary school. I just wanted to wish all of the military personel in afghanistan a merry christmas and a happy new year. I think your doing a great job over there. Thanks to you, afghganistan is safer from the taliban for now. Have a safe time and have a great christmas. From Allan

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Kayla - 12/14/2006 [14:57]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

hello my name is Kayla, im in grade 10 at GSS, thank you for all that you are doing and we are wishing you the best during christmas, and a happy new year.

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Andrew - 12/14/2006 [14:57]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hello my is Andrew, and I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas, i'm from a high school in a town called Grimsby. Our class just watched a video on your fight in Afghanistan. Watching that video really showed me what you guys do, and that awsome. Hope you guys keep safe, and keep up the good work.

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Brandon - 12/14/2006 [14:56]
Beamsville, Ontario,, Canada

Hi my name is Brandon, Im proud to be a canadian, because of all the great work that you are doing over there. I just wanted to say i hope all of you have a great christmas and keep up the good work

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Tom - 12/14/2006 [14:56]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

hi my names tom, Im proud to live in canada, and I think its great what you guys are all doing over there in that country. I hope you guys have a great christmas and a happy new year, keep up the good work.

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Voice - 12/14/2006 [14:55]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

hey whomever may be reading this.  I am in my school right now sending a message along with the rest of my peers for a little support to keep u guys going.  Although i have never been a huge fan of war i still support the hard efforts everyone is doing for our country.  Christmas is just around the corner and  i hope these messages along with the rest of them will inspire you to continue.  I hope all is well and would just like to say thanks.

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Tom - 12/14/2006 [14:55]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

hi my names tom, Im proud to live in canada, and I think its great what you guys are all doing over there in that country. I hope you guys have a great christmas and a happy new year, keep up the good work.

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Cody - 12/14/2006 [14:55]
grimsby, Ontario,, canada

Hello. I am a student from grimsby secondary school just saying hello and whats up. lots of students and teachers are hoping you canadian troops can make it back for chrismas to see your families and such.

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Sarah - 12/14/2006 [14:54]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

My name is Sarah,  I am a grade 10 student at GSS.  I would like to take the time to say thank you for what you are doing for our country. Thank you for risking your lives for the next generation of people.  Also I would like to say have a very Happy Christmas, and a lovely New Year. Wishing you all the best, hope you get home safely.  Thank you again, Sincerly Sarah.

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mike - 12/14/2006 [14:53]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hi, my name is mike, i am e-mailing this too you to wish you a merry x-mas. Hope you are all safe. hope all your dream's and wish's come true.

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evan - 12/14/2006 [14:53]
grimsby, Ontario,, canada

hi my name is evan.. and i go to Grimsby Secondary School.. grade 10. just want to say merry christmas to all the troops fighting for our country. i hope you are all well.. i know it's not snowing over there but try to have a merry christmas anyway.. i cannot immagine the things that you soldiars are going through out there .. but i'm am proud to write this letter to the canadian soldiers fighting, and risking your lives for freedom in other nations.

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keisha - 12/14/2006 [14:53]
grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hey guys! Im keisha I'm a gr 10 at grimsby secondary school, I just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas and tell you you're all doing a great job over there, we hope you come home safely. I have an uncle who was fighting about a year ago and he missed two christmas' and I know how hard that was but you'll all be home soon! dont worry keep your chin up! I just wanted to say be safe, and for all of you to make christmas the best it can be over there and have a great new year, and to remind you you'll all be home soon! (L)

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Nick - 12/14/2006 [14:52]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hey Troops. I'm Nick and I go to Grimsby secondary school and I sent this message to say have a merry christmas and a happy new year and thanks for serving our country in several parts of the world and risking your lives to make world peace.

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Joey - 12/14/2006 [14:51]
grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hey guys merry christmas and happy new year. Hope you all pull out ok I'd write more but my computer won't let it. Stay safe -seize the day boys and come home soon!

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Stephanie - 12/14/2006 [14:51]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hey Everyone, I'm Stephanie and go to Grimsby Secondary, taking a history course this semister. I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. We were learning about troops in our history class and I would like to know how you all feel about the things that you are going through.

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Rachel - 12/14/2006 [14:48]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

Hi, my name is Rachel and I'm writing to say thank you for your efforts around the world. I am proud to be a Canadian, and wish you well on your missions of peace.

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fred - 12/14/2006 [14:48]
grimsby, Ontario,, canada

well have merry christmas make some good peace over there.

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Cindy - 12/14/2006 [14:38]
London, Ontario,, Canada

I admire and certainly do honour our "Canadian Troops"!! I have a sister-in law in Kandahar working at the Tim Hortons and hopefully she will be home for Christmas.  My wish for this year is for Our Canadian Troops to come home by Christmas:)

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Lex Lovatt - 12/14/2006 [14:31]
Fox Creek, Alberta,, Canada

I will take this time to try and put into words the tremendous pride I have for those members of our forces who are put in harms way during this christmas season.  Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.

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