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Kathie Roussel Bazinet - 12/14/2006 [09:16]
Mont-Laurier, Québec,, canada

salut je voulais vous dir que je suis avec vous en tout temp car je pense beaucoup a vous car moi aussi je veux entre dans l'armee.Il a bien du monde qui disse que je serais pas capable mais moi je sais que je vais etre capable et je voulais aussi vous souhaiter un joyeux noel et une bonne annee.ces pas parce que vous faite la querre que vous aver pas le droit de penser a noel et au jour de l'an .je suis avec vous en penser et avec mon coeur .je pleur quand il vous arrive de quoi de mal comme la mort . je pleure la mort de nos soldat .je vous aime et merci de nous proteger
kathie xxx

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lorraine williams - 12/14/2006 [09:03]
kitchener, Ontario,, canada

We watched the CBC series about the bases and are so impressed, not only with your courage, but with your professionalism.  You do us proud.  You are the best this country has to offer, so that means you are the best in the world.  God bless you all.  You are making a difference.

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Rob Sharpe - 12/14/2006 [08:53]
, Ontario,, Canada

I just wanted to take the time to thank you all for your dedication in the Hardest Job in the world.  What you are doing for us as a people around the world aside from just Canadians should make you all proud!
Wishing you all the best and that you all come home safe!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Paula Mitchell - 12/14/2006 [08:39]
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan,, Canada

Just a note to let you know that we think of you all this special time of the year.We keep you in our thoughts and prayers, no matter where you are! Merry Christmas and Hppy New Year!

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Alyssa - 12/14/2006 [08:13]
Wallaceburg, Ontario,, Canada

Dear soldiers,
My name is Alyssa I want to wish you a merry Christmas and I am very proud of you

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GOBEIL - 12/14/2006 [07:20]
Lévis, Québec,, Canada

Bravo pour cette mission bien qu'elle soit contestée par nos braves  voisins.
Étant un ancien militaire, j'envie ce genre de défi humanitaire.
Au moins vous connaissez les voisins que nos séparatistes préfèreraient avoir au lieu des États-Unis.
La majorité silencieuse vous appui e

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Peter Taylor - 12/14/2006 [06:29]
Oshawa, Ontario,, Canada

Thank you for your willingness to make sacrifices that support our way of life. My thoughts are with you particularly at this time of year when your families are not. I wish you all the best for a safe return to Canada. Thanks again.

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Sandra - 12/14/2006 [06:13]
Malmö, , Skåne, Sweden

A big thank you to the men and women of our fighting and peace keeping forces around the world (from a fellow Canadian outside of Canada)!!  I hope you are safe and soon able to return home to your families!

Thank you for all the hard work you have done and continue to do, so that we may enjoy our lives in peace.

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Frank & Elsa Thompson - 12/14/2006 [01:42]
Santa Ana, CA, ,, U.S.A.

We would like to thank you for your sacrifice for our freedom. Merry Christmas and God Bless You All.

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Keith - 12/14/2006 [01:24]
Parksville, British Columbia,, Canada

Just a quick note to say thank you, and have a safe deployment. 

Merry Christmas.


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Wayne Olfrey - 12/14/2006 [00:27]
Victoria, British Columbia,, Canada

To the men and women serving our country
God Bless you all and hoping you all come home safe
and wishing you and your familys  the  very bes
Iam very proud of you and i am proud to know people like you are serving canada

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Larry & Mary Supina - 12/13/2006 [23:51]
SaltSpring Island BC, British Columbia,, Canada

Cpl.Ed Pickell PPCLI armour.The best for the season.See you when you get home.

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Tyler - 12/13/2006 [23:45]
Ottawa, Ontario,, Canada

Just a quick hello to the RCR out of Petawawa. Have a great Christmas and a happy New Year - can't wait to see you all safe back the the Valley.

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Janice - 12/13/2006 [23:36]

Hello to our Military Personnel. On Nov 11, a group of us attended a good old Rock&Roll; show. We raised a glass to you, in gratitude for the sacrifices made. We understood the extraordinary gift we were enjoying, just to go out, in freedom, in safety and in comfort, to enjoy each other's company.  We toasted all  the Veterans who made our freedom possible, and to you, our currently serving troops. The path you have chosen isn't an easy or pretty one. You are APPRECIATED in so many ways. So... this Christmas, I raise another toast to YOU. However you celebrate the holidays, happy Hanukka, happy Kwanza, Blessed Christmas, and may 2007 be good for you. God Bless, be well.

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Arthur Dash - 12/13/2006 [23:07]
Port Hope, Ontario,, Canada

To all Servicemen/women serving our Country:
I am extremely proud of Canada's military heritage. I would like all military personnel, whether serving overseas or here at home, to know how much I admire and respect you for your desire to serve our country.
Thank you all so much for all you do to preserve our freedoms.  "Thank You," as well to your families for their sacrifices. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, though I do not know any of you personally.
May you have a safe and Merry Christmas, and if serving overseas, may you return home safely, and soon.
God Bless.

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Colleen Westhora & Family - 12/13/2006 [23:07]
Sylvan Lake, Alberta,, Canada

Our Family is very very proud of all you folks for trying to maintain peace, we think of you on this holiday and know we pray for your safe keeping.

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Geoff - 12/13/2006 [23:05]
Richmond, British Columbia,, Canada

Take care.

Keep up the work.

Stay safe.

You'll be home soon enough.

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Mark Schumacher - 12/13/2006 [23:04]
Priceville, Ontario,, Canada

Great job. Your dedication and strength in the face of adversity inspires me every day. I am a paramedic and wish I could be there on the front lines with u. I display my "Support our troops" magnet on my car proudly,you make me proud to stand up and say "I am Canadian" God bless, and Godspeed to all of your safe returns to your family and friends.

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Kate McKellar - 12/13/2006 [22:55]
Kelowna, British Columbia,, Canada

To All the Soldiers...

For all the hardships you put up with every single day you are away from your families, I am very thankful.  Your hardships allow me and my family to feel safe and protected

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steve mccall - 12/13/2006 [22:52]
columbus, Ga., ,, U.S.A.

God Bless and keep all of ya'll.

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