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Nicola Timmerman (Maillé) - 12/12/2006 [22:42]
Roxboro, Quebec,, Canada

Just finished watching the film World Trade Centre.  A good reminder of why we are fighting against fanatics and that Canadians have been touched by terrorism.  Thank you for putting your lives on the line.  Merci de nous protéger et de protéger les femmes en Afghanistan.
A salute to journalist Christie Blatchford who will spend Christmas with the troops!

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Ally Hemani - 12/12/2006 [22:41]
Richmond Hill, Ontario,, Canada

My family and I wish you all a marry X-Mass and a happy New year. We pray for your safety and to be with your families as early as possible. We know how lonely it becomes at these times and our hearts are with you all. You are making a differance and you are hoding the canadian name to the highest esteem. may God be with you all.

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Joe - 12/12/2006 [22:41]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Dear troops,

Thank you very much for your service to our country.  Battling the Taliban is something about which you can always be proud.  Please do not be discouraged by Canadians who oppose the mission.  They are simply worried about all of you.  The vast majority of us support and value all your hard work.  We can never thank you enough.

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Anne - 12/12/2006 [22:29]
Winnipeg, Manitoba,, Canada

I would just like to write and say thank you to the service men and women that have devoted their lives to the security of both Canadians, and international allies.  Merry Christmas, and God Bless.

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Jean-Philippe - 12/12/2006 [22:29]
Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Québec,, Canada

À tout les militaire en mission à l'étrangé, je tiens à vous souhaiter un joyeux Noël. Et en tant qu'ancien militaire je suis fière de la protection de vous nous apportés à notre pays.

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Gail K. - 12/12/2006 [22:24]
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,, Canada

Your role overseas is an important one to the people of Afganistan and to Canada.  Also to the entire world.  I am proud to live in a great country, like Canada.  You make me proud to be a Canadian.  I have a deep respect and admiration for all of you.  You are trying to make the world a better place for all.  Peace is the answer.  Stay strong and may God watch over you and keep you safe.  May he bring you home back to your families and friends.  Gail K.

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Megan - 12/12/2006 [21:58]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Thank-you for helping the world become a safer place, and protecting others. You will be remembered in my prayers, and may God be with you on this Christmas. God bless you all!

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D. J. - 12/12/2006 [21:56]
Edmonton, Alberta,, Canada

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude & thanks for your service, bravery & dedication  to our country to keep it proud & free. Wishing you & your families a Merry Christmas & all the best in the New Year. Our prayers are with you daily that you will be kept safe while performing your dangerous  duties in Afganistan and that you will we reunited with your  families & friends  soon . We are proud of you & fortunate to live in a country such as Canada & that there are dedicated people that will defend our rights & priveleges so that  our kids & grandkids can also enjoy living in Canada  & being proud Canadians as well. God Bless you all & keep you safe.

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Maggie - 12/12/2006 [21:49]
Niagara Falls, Ontario,, Canada

With all my time running out, trying to get ready in time for Christmas....not a day goes by that I'm not thinking of our Canadian men and women serving and protecting our country.  How do we thank you?....I can't say in words to express how much I appreciate what you are all doing!  God Bless you all and I wish for your safe return to your families and friends!

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Beverley & Bruce Lewis - 12/12/2006 [21:37]
Kitchener, Ontario,, Canada

You are all counted as special.  Although you do not think of yourselves as special or brave, it takes a lot of guts to do what you do, and to be where you are.  You are in our thoughts and prayers every day, without exception. Our son is among you, that makes all of you family.  God bless you all, and for those who can't get home to be with family this Christmas, may yours be a peaceful, and blessed one.  Merry Christmas to all.

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Wayne Simpson - 12/12/2006 [21:32]
Boylston, Nova Scotia,, Canada

Thinking or you guys from Guysborough County every day. Wishing you all the best and thank you for what you are doing. You truly are very special people.

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Josette - 12/12/2006 [21:27]
Sault ste Marie, Ontario,, Canada

I am sure tht all of you (and am I allowed to call you boys and girls) you see I am sure I am old enough to be your Mom are wishing you were home and we all wish that too. Dont worry it is not snowing - just rain and more rain but I think that is better than sand and more sand. We are all thinking about our Men and women who are overseas and praying for your safety.We know that you are all doing the best that you can and it is most appreciated by all of us who wear the Maple Leaf. May God Bless you all and keep you safe- a special hello to the guys from the amouries here - yes there are things going on like the cadets and their band so there is is musical noise and laughter- but no matter what - you re always upper most in our thoughts.

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Garnet and Loretta - 12/12/2006 [21:27]
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia,, Canada

Our prayers and thoughts are with you daily. I have been retired for a few years now and can fully appreciate what you are sacrificing for your country. Job well done. Have the best christmas that you can without your loved ones and know that there are many supporters behind you. Safe return.

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Joyce - 12/12/2006 [21:17]
Hamilton, Ontario,, Canada

my prayers are with you all while you are putting yourselves in harms way to make a better life for others.God bless each and everyone of you.Be safe and hurry home.

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Kyana - 12/12/2006 [21:17]
Smiths Falls, Ontario,, Canada.

i wrote a poem,it was published in our paper..
          "THE MOMENT".
A moment shared is always a moment remembered.
A moment remembered is never a moment forgotten.
When someone goes, the poppies grow,
That is a moment never forgotten.
Around the world, so many moments,
Soldiers dying,hearts broken,lives stolen,
Soldiers coming home to family, friends, and children,
Those moments are shared all around the world,
A moment can be written,
A moment can be now,
A moment is a moment,that is never forgotten.
Kyana Hitchins>age 12, Nov 11 2006.
Dedicated to my dad Lee Hitchins, Canadian Vietnam Veteran,and all those who fought for freedom, and to those who enjoy that freedom.

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Kathie Roussel Bazinet - 12/12/2006 [21:15]
Mont-Laurier, Québec,, canada

salut mes future confrere.vous faite du tres bon trvail la bas et j'aimerais etre a vos coter.je vous aime et j'esper de vous voir un jour.je suis avec vous en penser a tout les jours a+ de votre fidele amie kathie
je vous aime et bon courage

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Charmaine Kostyk - 12/12/2006 [21:02]
Thompson, Manitoba,, Canada

To, The forces
I, a child am feeling very proud to be Canadan very proud to see that my country ia and were risking there lives for use and others. I am devestaed when i turn on the news and see coffins comming homw with the canadan falg on it just thinking, they are the heros. Well all in all i would just like to say thank you from me and the country of Canada for the lives you have helped and forfilled

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Patti and Rick Lawson - 12/12/2006 [20:39]

Hello Everyone in Afganistan!
We just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. To Sgt Gary Barcier, we miss you , come home soon! We think of you all and support you back here in the  ottawa valley by wearing red on Fridays! stay safe!

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Lisa Godsell - 12/12/2006 [20:39]
St. Catharines, Ontario,, CANADA

To Our Canadian Heros!

God bless you and keep you safe.  We are so proud of our Canadian Troops!

To Sgt. Godsell (aka: Snowman):
"You can't snow the Snowman!"

Proud supporters of Bravo Co.
Lisa & Danielle

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Daniel, Louise et Marie-Eve René - 12/12/2006 [20:30]
Quebec city, Québec,, Canada

À tous nos courageux soldats qui font un boulot fantastique, nos meilleurs voeux du temps des fêtes et la meilleur des chances. Faites attention à vous autres et revenez-nous en santé. Merry christmas to all of you and take care.

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