Défense nationale
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John Buffington - 12/13/2006 [17:18]
Houston, , TX, USA

As a Canadian living in the USA, I would like to express my gratitude to the brave men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces serving me and my country overseas. You continue the proud legacy of Vimy, Juno Beach, and countless other actions with honour. God Bless you for your service, and for your bravery.

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Bruce CAMERON - 12/13/2006 [16:27]
Kamloops, British Columbia,, Canada

God be with all of you brave Canadians, doing such a worthy and difficult duty.  My family & I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas & a prosperous, healthy & safe New Year.  Thank you, for what you do, you are the best.

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Zac Adams - 12/13/2006 [16:21]
Missinipe, Saskatchewan,, Canada

To our brave and excellent men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces, I sincerely hope this message finds you all well and healthy, and I also want to assure you that Canadian citizens are proud  and confident to have people like you protect our country, flag, and our roghts and freedoms. I wish you all an excellent holiday season and sincerely hope you are quickly and safely reunited with your families and friends.

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baylie - 12/13/2006 [16:17]
waterloo, Ontario,, canada

dear troops,
my name is baylie.i am 8 years old.thank for trying to make peace in other countries and risking your lives for us.my favourite colour is red.i have 6 people in my family.i go to st.nicholas school.thanks again! merry christmas!
          from baylie.

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Nicholas - 12/13/2006 [16:14]
Québec, Québec,, Canada

Bon courage au Voltigeurs de Québec
en mission(Forces a superbe mercy a foible)

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Christine - 12/13/2006 [16:10]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

I hope you are all having a safe and cheery day.  Thinking of all our Canadian Forces personnel is some many places of the world.

Be safe - best wishes christine

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ROB&JODY; GERVAIS - 12/13/2006 [16:05]
Espanola, Ontario,, oNTARIO


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sonny - 12/13/2006 [15:48]
Medicine Hat,, Alberta,, Canada

I passed this along  because it is nice. It's good to have friends like you.I pass a rose to you. A friend is someone that reaches for your hand and touches your heart. You're my friend.
Merry Christmas to you all and a happy New year

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Raffy Dikranian - 12/13/2006 [15:37]
Montreal, Quebec,, Canada

To all our brave soldiers in Afghanistan protecting the innocent and disseminating Canadian values of democracy and freedom.
I wish you all the very best for the holidays and may you all be reunited with your families as soon as possible.
Warmest regards,

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paul - 12/13/2006 [15:23]
wallacburg, Ontario,, canada

Dear soldier                         
How are you doing I wish you a merry Christmas.I hope that you can
come home soon.

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tyler.sandy - 12/13/2006 [15:22]
wallaceburg, Ontario,, USA

Dear soldiers
we wish you a merry  christmas  and a  happy  new  year.

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Alyssa and Jon-An - 12/13/2006 [15:22]
Wallaceburg, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Soldiers,
our names are Alyssa and Jon-An we are from Wallaceburg and in grade 4 at Holy Family Catholic School we realy wish you a Merry Christmas and we are very proud of you!!

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Makayla - 12/13/2006 [15:22]
wallaceburg, Ontario,, canada

Dear Soldier,

Hello my name is Makayla and I live in Wallaceburg .I’m in grade four. I love spending time with my friends and family. I like to play games and finger skate. Thank you guys for saving us and we really appreciate your work! Personally to me I really fell sad for you soldiers for not seeing your family that much .I know you soldiers have been vary busy lately. I hope you come down and get to see your  family for Christmas. I hope you have a good Christmas and come down to see your family and have a merry Christmas.

          merry chistmas

Your truly friend, Makayla.

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autumn - 12/13/2006 [15:21]
wallaceburg, Ontario,, canada

Dear soldier

My name is Autumn. I am in grade 5. I am proud that you are fighting for are country. I think its nice that you left your family to fight for us. I hope you get to see your family.

                              MERY CHRISMTAS 

From Autumn  To you

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joshua and tyler - 12/13/2006 [15:21]
wallaceburg, Ontario,, Canada

Dear solder:         
Have a merry Christmas and a happy New years! The army, the support the bullets the sadness. Do you now what you're doing, you're being a Canadian that is protecting your contry! 
          your friend josh!!! ps I hope you have a good holidays

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Danie - 12/13/2006 [15:21]
Wallaceburg, Ontario,, canada

Dear Soldier

My name is Danie I’m happy you are doing this for us I’m praying for you and your friend’s good luck threw all the things that are hard on you. Every one in my school is cheering for you and your team. I hope you like my letter that I’m making you. Well got to go by danie hope you do well.

Merry Christmas or Happy Honaka! Oh and a happy new year.

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Emily - 12/13/2006 [15:21]
wallacebrge, Ontario,, canada

Dear soldiers
My name is Emily you who know my
Uncle Lenard turner I am his granddaughter I just rote you a letter because I haven’t seen you in a long time when you last seen me I was just a baby. I am in grad 5 now so I just wrote to you to say merry Christmas and I want you to come home have a happy new years.

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Jennifer and Tyler - 12/13/2006 [15:20]
Wallaceburg, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Soldiers in Afghanistan,

Hi our names are Jennifer and Tyler. We are both in Grade 4. We both want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We feel sorry for you because you might have a family at home so you can’t see them. We are also proud that you wanted to go fight for our freedom. We are praying for you in our prayers. Thank you for taking the time to read our letter. We hope you have a safe time in Afghanistan. Good bye

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Holly - 12/13/2006 [15:19]
wallaceburg, Ontario,, canada

Dear Army

Hi. My name is Holly. Since you guys are going to be there for the holidays I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. We all wish you guys would be home with your families and with the people you love the most. I’ll be praying for you .thanks you for your hard work.

                                                                          Love Holly

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JILLIAN - 12/13/2006 [15:19]


Dear soldier,
Hello my name is Jillian I wish you could be home for the holidays you will get a lot of presents and will have a merry Christmas and a happy new-year I am really happy that you went to the war to help the people in Afghanistan I will pray for you every night and day I wish you can be home with your friends and family.


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