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Abby - 12/13/2006 [15:19]
wallacburg, Ontario,, canada


Dear soldiers
I just wanted to say have a merry Christmas and we always pray for you. I hope you get a lot
of presents from your family. I am praying
for you. from Abby in grade 4

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gabby - 12/13/2006 [15:19]
, Ontario,, canada

Dear soldier 

I wish you a merry Christmas. I m in grade 4.thank you for going to stop the war
or fight. I hope you get to come back home.
and a happy new year

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Anne Grace Hurd - 12/13/2006 [15:17]
Ottawa/Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Canadian Forces,

As a free Canadian, I cannot thank you enough for the work that you do. There are not enough words to describe my gratitude and my respect. I pray for you daily in your deployment and that you will come home safe and sound. May God richly bless you in this Christmas season.

In His care,
-Anne Grace

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william / brandon - 12/13/2006 [15:17]
wallaceburg, Ontario,, canada

Dear soldier

We wish you good luck it is also Christmas
So we hope you can have a merry Christmas
We are proud because you have done so much for us. We all thank you for doing all that stuff for us.   
from william/brandon

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brock,spencer - 12/13/2006 [15:16]
wallaceburg, Ontario,, canada

Dear, Soldier

We just wanted to let you know that we are praying and thinking of you. We are wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Thank you for fighting for our country.

GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Brock, Spencer.  Holy family school

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Madison - 12/13/2006 [15:15]
Wallacburg, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Soldiers,

Just to let you know we are proud of you and what you are doing is so precious because you are risking your life for us, Thank you.

So I wish you and your family a merry Christmas OH! By the way my name is Madison, anyways I wish you a Merry Christmas.

Well you already know my name well I live in the town of Wallacburg. I am in grade 4. I have a sister and no brother’s well that’s all about me

Well I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Good Luck!


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Hailey - 12/13/2006 [15:15]
Wallacburg, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Soldier,
Hi my name is Hailey. I’m in grade four
I go to school in Wallacburg.

Just so you know we have not  forgot you and thank you for risking your life for us to promote peace in the world.

Thank You
Your Friend Hailey
P.S.Merry Christmas

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Michael - 12/13/2006 [15:08]
Orillia, Ontario,, Canada

Dear troops,
              Thankyou for risking your lives for our country Canada. You've been a real help protecting us. Thankyou


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Todd Thomson - 12/13/2006 [15:02]
Vancouver, British Columbia,, Canada

Thank you for serving our country!
You are preserving individual freedoms and allowing all Canadians to live peace.

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The Arender Family - 12/13/2006 [14:50]
St. James, ,, Barbados

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays, all the best for 2007 and most important of all, a safe journey home to your families.  With best wishes from the Canadian Arenders, living in Barbados.

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brianna - 12/13/2006 [14:42]
, ,, Canada

Thankyou for protecting our country,always try your best in war and never give up have a merry christmas have a happy new year!!!!

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Angela Borden - 12/13/2006 [14:32]
, British Columbia,, Canada

hey you guys and gals!!!! loving what you are doing over there, mabe one day it will be over and yas can come home again. but for now keep ur heads held high and ur sprits strong.

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Morag - 12/13/2006 [14:16]
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island,, Canada

Dear Soldiers,
Your work in defending the vulnerable against terrorism is huge.Don't look at the outward circumstances---know that justice will win out----keep your own lives free from anything that would discredit Canada---keep the faith.

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Judi Johnny - 12/13/2006 [14:13]
Whitehorse, Yukon,, Canada

Merry Christmas to evryone serving our country! Hopefully you'll find this email will make your day better.  We've got winter here in the Yukon.  For awhile it was in the lower minuses but now its getting colder.  When I got up this morning it was and is - 17 celcious.  Christmas is just arounmd the corner.  I don't know what route Santa takes but I'm sure you're included.  I know that because I live in the far north we're one of his last stop on his way home to the north pole.  When he gets back to Canada he has to pu on his heaviest parka on except when he goes to Vancouver and Victoria.  At least that is what they tell me on TV from the southern part of Canada. Until next time

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nolan - 12/13/2006 [14:03]
waterloo, Ontario,, canada

Dear cf member
My name is nolan. I am 11 year old
what is your job?Every body is praying for soldiers.I hope you have a mery chrismas.
I hope you return safely.

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karina - 12/13/2006 [14:02]
Waterloo, Ontario,, Canada

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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melissa - 12/13/2006 [14:01]
waterloo, Ontario,, Canda

dearCF member,
hello my name is melissa!
hope you have a mery Christmas!
Your friend,
P.S. I'm in grade 5.

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Nina - 12/13/2006 [14:01]
Waterloo, Ontario,, Canada

DearCFmember,                      My name is Nina,i am 10 years old and in grade 5. I think you are very brave and i want you to stay happy and keep your spirits up.Now i'll tell you a bit about myself I have brown hair and brown eyes and i'm gonna get braces I also broke the same finger three times.Merry Christmas from me and my family.Love Nina

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Ryan - 12/13/2006 [14:00]
Waterloo, Ontario,, Canada

Dear CF member,
I am in Gr.5 at St.Nicholas school
my class and especially me are so proud of you for fighting for Canada! I am a boy of 10 years old. Good Luck!          From Ryan

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blake - 12/13/2006 [13:59]
waterloo, Ontario,, canada

Dear CF member,                 
My name is Blake.Iam 10 years old.I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a safe 2007.Iam very thankful that you are doing for Canada.I hope that you are safe.

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