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Pellerin - 12/15/2006 [12:31]
Bedford, Nova Scotia,, Canada

My heart goes out to all our men and women serving in Afganastan.  Although I have no members of my family in the military, I recognize the sacrifices you make on our behalf.  May God Bless you all and bring you home safely to your families.

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Claire - 12/15/2006 [12:19]
, ,, Canada

Dear Soldier.My name is Claire.I'm a kid.Im from Canada.I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas.Does it feel like Christmas without any snow?Do you have kids and do you miss them? Do you get letters often?In Calgary it has snow.It was -38 a couple of weeks ago.I set up the little Christmas tree.Our family is thankful for you.We also believe in Santa.I hope santa will bring you something too!

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Nitin Sharma (Cpl. Sharma) - 12/15/2006 [12:16]
Kitchener, Ontario,, Canada

Hey guys that was a great poem, and to all those who are over in Afghanistan right I wish you, all the luck and protection, thanks a lot for what you guys and girls are doing, I hope to do my part soon. Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year, be safe out there.

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Mary - 12/15/2006 [12:15]
, ,, India

I wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
May God shower his blessings upon you and your family...You are always remembered in our prayers.
I wanna sya a Big THANK You to every one. :)

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SPC. Cox, John - 12/15/2006 [12:13]
Oak Grove, ,, USA

Hope every thing is going good for you. I am proud to see that you are defending your country. Good Luck and God be with you and your familys.

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Courtney - 12/15/2006 [12:12]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada


I Have Learnt Alot About The War, My Great Uncle Was In World War I, And My Great Grandpa Was In World War II, Thank You For Fighting For Our Freedom, And EVERYONE HOPES That You Will Make It Back Safe

From: Courtney!!

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Curtis - 12/15/2006 [11:58]
Airdrie, Alberta,, Canada

Hi there. i am very proud of the work all the men and women are doing over in afganistan. for social class our teacher asked us to chose a world problem and write a report on it. i choose should canada be in afganistan. i was curiuos what a soldiers upon was on the issue becasue you are the ones over there seeing the changes and helping with the changes. i was wondering if you could send me a e-mail back or a comment back. thank you very much and have a merry christmas and i hope u you all come back safe.
cincerly your

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Jean-Pierre Pampalon - 12/15/2006 [11:58]
Québec, Québec,, Canada

Bravo pour votre travail humanitaire et de protection de la population Aphgane.Nos pensées vous accompagnent en tout temps et particulièremenr en cette période de Noel...Joyeuses Fêtes..Merry Christmas à vous tous et toutes.

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Nancy Miller - 12/15/2006 [11:57]
Scarborough, Ontario,, Canada

"Thank you for everything that you're doing" seems so inadequate...but I don't know how else to say it!  Stay safe, and know that we support you and you are always in our thoughts and prayers.  Merry Christmas!
Nancy Miller
PS  If you want to email me, I promise to write back!! :)

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Rick Chapman - 12/15/2006 [11:56]
Estevan, Saskatchewan,, Canada

I can't begin to express my thanks to each and everyone of you....From the lowest Private to the highest General...Thank-you !! I realize that most of us back home don't totally understand everything about the war and why you are there, but you do and that's what counts....I know you believe in what you are doing and I know you are making a positive difference to the ordinary folks in Afganastan...WAY TO GO...!!!
Don't worry about your families back in Canada, we are taking care of them til you are able to do so yourself....Merry Christmas troops, Merry Christmas....

Rick Chapman....Estevan, Sk

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MEL - 12/15/2006 [11:44]
Kelowna, British Columbia,, Canada

May the spirit of the season make all of you safe, and know that all of us here in Canada are proud of the job you are doing.  Let us hope that "Peace on Earth and goodwill to men" may become a reality, and that this will be the last Christmas you will have to be away from home.

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Tammy - 12/15/2006 [11:44]
Edmonton, Alberta,, CANADA

To All the troops

Have a safe Christmas, many blessings on all of you at this time of year.

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Rocky - 12/15/2006 [11:43]
North Bay, Ontario,, Canada

My name is Rocky I am 11 years old and I am in the navy league cadets and I just wanted to say hello to everyone. 
It is December 15 and I wish a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all.
Because I am only 11 My Mom helps me with a E-mail adress and checks my mail with me to keep me safe.

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Susan Stoddart - 12/15/2006 [11:40]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

When I look at the protection you are giving me I am honoured to be a Canadian Citizen. I pray and think of you all every day and support wearing red in your honour.
Love to all our troops and come home soon

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rejeanne - 12/15/2006 [11:36]
pointe a la garde (gaspesie0, Québec,, CANADA


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Liz - 12/15/2006 [11:28]
Barrie, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Troops,

Just to let you know that our thoughts are with you during this holiday season.

Wishing you a safe and speedy return.

Merry Christmas!

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Richard Cotter - 12/15/2006 [11:09]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

While this is an emotional time for you, being away from your family and friends, please know that we in Canada thank you for the efforts you are making.

We are proud of you and your families, for the sacrifices you are all making.

Stay safe, and make us proud.

Merry Christmas!

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Mark Press - 12/15/2006 [11:04]
Toronto, Ontario, Ontario, Canada

Thank You,I really appreciate what you guys are doing for us.Like our fathers and fathers before them i just wanted to share how much i deeply appreciate all of you protecting out freedom and rights and defending the world against terrorism.We simply can't live in a world with terrorism in it.I sincerely hope all of you can at least enjoy abit of the holiday season coming up.We'll be enjoying it(with all the thanks going to you guys for protecting us and our freedoms).Thank you again and thanks to all the Veterans out there who also fought to protect our rights and freedoms.Take care and God Bless,sincerely,

Mark Press

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Denise - 12/15/2006 [10:41]
Dieppe, New Brunswick,, Canada

Simply a note sincerely thanking you for your courage, devotion and hard work.  Thinking of you and wishing you all a Joyous Xmas and Happy New Year.  Be safe and hope you are back with your families soon.  May God be with you.

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Paula Johnstone - 12/15/2006 [10:35]
Cambridge, Ontario,, Ontario

To Our Troops;

I would just like to take this time and let you know how much you are appreciated. I have a wish for all war to end and there peace everywhere, unfortunately I don't think it will happen in my life time, or my five year old sons lifetime, but i am so proud that you are doing the jobs you are doing.
At this spiritual time of year let me say; may God Bless you and keep you safe and bring you home to all your families,
These words seem miniscule but; "Thank-you"

Be safe
Paula Johnstone

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