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Neil Peet - 12/15/2006 [10:30]
St. John's, NL, Newfoundland,, Canada

Merry Christmas:

There is no more noble cause than to engage the enemy in the hopes of assisting a war revaged country and its down-trodden people, but also to help protect those of us who enjoy the values of freedom and democracy in our daily lives.  Your cause is just and the mission is clear.  Keep the faith but most importantly, come home safe to your family and friends.

Keep Safe!

Neil Peet

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Captain Shawn Hale - 12/15/2006 [10:14]
Truro, Nova Scotia,, Canada

I would like to wish all members a Merry Christmas. Especialy the members of the Nova Scotia Highlanders who are currently serving in Afghanistan. Best Wishes and Stay Safe. Captain Shawn Hale Ops O 1 NSH(N)

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Mau - 12/15/2006 [09:57]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you who will stay abroad for a while.
I hope all of you will return home soundly and smiling !
We are very proud of you !!!

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Heidi Robinson - 12/15/2006 [09:38]
brampton, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Troups. My Christmas wish to you all is a prayer that God keeps you out of harms way so that you will return home to your family and friends at the end of your tour. Never doubt how much we appreciate your sacrifices. Never doubt how much we mourn when you loose one of your own. Never doubt how much we cherrish the gift of freedom you give to us each day you battle your foes.Be proud of your commitments in giving us a better world and above all know that you are in our heart when we hear of your struggles on the 6:00 o'clock news. God Bless each one of you. I wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas wherever your may be.

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lexi and emily - 12/15/2006 [09:36]
, ,, canada

dear soldier
dear soldier
how are you
are you good or bad
you might be sad
are you hurt
are you fine
do you like pie
i just wanted to say hi
and bye

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Joanne - 12/15/2006 [09:35]
Windsor, Ontario,, Canada

I am grateful for the sacrifices you all make for our country.  I wish you peace and joy over the holidays, and always.

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Stephanie and Emily - 12/15/2006 [09:34]
Newmarket, Ontario,, Canada

To all Canadien soldiers;
Hello, today we thought we would take the time to write a nice encouraging letter, that would give you some christmas cheer! At this time people around the world will take time to celebrate the holidays. To some people what your doing in Afghanistan is not important, but to us it is very important to realize what you are doing. THANK YOU!
On your mission,

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James - 12/15/2006 [09:34]
newmarket, Ontario,, Canada

Dear, Canadian soldiers

I appreciate everything you have done as a soldier. All you have sacrificed for mine and all Canadian citizens. Thank you so much.

You put your lives on the line everyday. I can’t express my gratitude. I can’t fathom of what you go through; away from your family at Christmas time.

Do you enjoy serving? What is the whether like in Afghanistan? What do you miss most about Canada?
I thank you so much. God bless you…Merry Christmas. 
                                              Sincerely, James

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Juliette and Jaqueline - 12/15/2006 [09:25]
Newmarket, Ontario,, Canada

Hello, you are our role models and we admire you very much because you are helping innocent people in need and that are stuck in the middle of war.  We are very proud of you and our country.  Have a Merry Christmas, happy Hunukkah and happy New Year!!!

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Taylor - 12/15/2006 [09:22]
, ,, Canada

Dear Canadien troops,
I think you and your partners are very nice. I hope you come home safely and healthy. I hope your friends will too. It's great you're on the peace corps. I watch soldiers come home to there families almost every day. I will be glad when evreyone comes home. The world will be a better place when you're all back.Hope you're still ok. I am proud of the Canadien troops.
Happy holidays,and have a happy new year.

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kevin - 12/15/2006 [09:14]
, ,, Canada

My name is Kevin. I am a grade 6 student at Mazo de la Roche Public School. I read in the newspaper that a lot of you get up at 4:30 in the morning to watch hockey. I think that’s pretty cool because I play hockey.

So Christmas is coming up in a couple of weeks. That means it is cold out and there’s snow on the ground. It must be so hard to be away from your family. But maybe the government will work something out so that you can come back for the holidays. A lot of people have their Christmas lights up. Do you have holiday decorations there?

I really appreciate how you fight for Canada. If it were not for you soldiers we would not have as many luxuries as we do. I heard that you build schools for the kids in Afghanistan.

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Emily and Stephanie - 12/15/2006 [09:09]
Newmarket, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Canadien troops,
We are delighted to write to you guys!
We are overflowing with Christmas spirit(but there is no snow). We are very happy that we can do many things without being scared to death! THANK YOU! We appriciate that you are in Afghanistan trying to keep peace in the world. We highly support you! This is a time for happiness, joy and peace. We REALLY wish that everyone in this big world would have this at this time of year(including you). Do you think you will have a bite of Christmas cheer over where you are?We know many will not have this but we wish you the best! Hope you get the best out of Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


      STEPHANIE and EMILY  :)

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Shayne - 12/15/2006 [09:08]
Newmarket, Ontario,, Canada

Hi soldiers, I would like to tell you how much I appreciate your efforts and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I hope that all you soldiers will come back safely.P.S make love not war.P.P.S hope war ends soon, hope your familys are o.k

Yours truly Shayne

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Heidi Robinson - 12/15/2006 [09:04]
brampton, Ontario,, Canada

Dear Troups. My Christmas wish to you all is a prayer that God keeps you out of harms way so that you will return home to your family and friends at the end of your tour. Never doubt how much we appreciate your sacrifices. Never doubt how much we mourn when you loose one of your own. Never doubt how much we cherrish the gift of freedom you give to us each day you battle your foes.Be proud of your commitments in giving us a better world and above all know that you are in our heart when we hear of your struggles on the 6:00 o'clock news. God Bless each one of you. I wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas wherever your may be.

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Jaclyn - 12/15/2006 [09:02]
, ,, Canada

Dear All Canadian Soldiers,
You soldiers have sacrified so much for us-the Canadians!!

  We apreciate all that you have done for us, and everyone is just so lucky to be alive, and even on top of that we have heated houses, toys and so many other things!
  I understand that it is extremely hard for all of you soldiers what you are going through. Around this Christmas Holiday season, you cannot spend time with your family. I would to say, be safe and have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Megan & Jaclyn

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Austin - 12/15/2006 [09:01]
, Ontario,, Canada

To all Canadien soldiers:      Hi, I hope you're well. I really apprichiate that you would give you're live's for the country. I hear you are in Afghanistan and that you're helping children and adults in need. That's really nice. I hope you can comme home to you're own family for Christmas and the New year. Keep helping people and merry Christmas!

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Roseann Jessome - 12/15/2006 [09:00]
Halifax, Nova Scotia,, Canada

I wish to send out to all troops here and abroad a very Merry Christmas and safe New Year. I have been involved with the  Military in some way or another for 43 years and have always been proud of that association. We are the best and regardless of the "little" downfalls we will always come through because we are "Canadian". Again thank you from the bottom of my heart. Roseann

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skyler - 12/15/2006 [08:23]
ottawa, Ontario,, canada

you  are  the  best  thank  you
you  are  fiteing  for  our  contry
like  how  you  fite  with  your
gunss  signed  skyler

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Vincent Gelinas - 12/15/2006 [08:18]
Shawinigan, Québec,, Canada

Continuez comme ça! Vous êtes courageux et appliquez de façon pratique et honorable les valeurs canadiennes.

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Sylvain - 12/15/2006 [08:03]
Montréal, Québec,, Canada

Joyeux Noël et bonne année!  À vous tous!  Soyers prudent

Merry chrismas and happy new years to each of you.



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