Défense nationale
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Message original:

Seyed Masoud Mostofi - 12/14/2006 [20:59]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Salam I am writting this message to you to thank you for defending the freedom with a great sacrifice while i am attending a Christmas gathering at the school of my daugther who is in grade five her name is Hamisheh_Naz pretty long name hey! but I am sure you know the meaning it is in farsi and means always prety we are originaly from Iran though my daughter was born in england and has never seen Iran the reason we can not go and visit is because I converted into christianity 19 years ago and you know what the result will be if they ever get me but I want to tell you as candian citizens we love you and we very much apreciate what you are doing for us and for the whole world God bless you Mery Christmas Hamisheh naz and Masoud Mostofi

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