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S/Sgt. Steve WRIGHT - 12/15/2006 [16:40]
R.C.M.P. Box 30 High Level, Alberta,, Canada

On behalf of all the Members of the R.C.M.P. in the Mackenzie Regional Detachment, High Level, Fort Vermilion and Assumption, Alberta.  I would like to take this time to thank each and everyone of you for your dedication to duty and the spreading of Democracy.  We all wish you a Safe and Merry Christmas / Holiday Season.  We also wish you a safe return home to be with family and loved ones at the end of each of your tour of duty.

You have and continue to make Canada proud of your acheivments. We stant togeather with you.

Take Care and Stay Safe.

S/Sgt. Steve WRIGHT Reg#37295
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Mackenzie Regional N.C.O. I/C
High Level, Alberta, Canada.

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David Burke - 12/15/2006 [16:31]
Regina, Saskatchewan,, Canada

I just want to say, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.  I am here at the training academy for the rcmp and I just thought that you needed the support at this difficult time.  Thank you for everything.

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Ricard - 12/15/2006 [16:30]
Ottawa, Ontario,, Canada

Thinking of you and of your families too this holiday season. Come back safe and enjoy this season as much as you possibly can.

Merry Christmas

Anne Ricard

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Pete Bailey - 12/15/2006 [16:24]
surrey, British Columbia,, Canada

To all the men and women putting their life on the line for us, it is greatly appreciated, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

From some of the folks at the RCMP Vancouver Commercial Crime Section

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Gaetano Ruscito - 12/15/2006 [16:08]
Ottawa, Ontario,, Canada

Above all, come back home safely. Merry Christmas to everyone.

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Adjudant Alain Picard et sa famille - 12/15/2006 [15:21]
St-Jean-Chrysostome, Québec, Québec,, Canada

Bonjour à tous,

Nous vous souhaitons de passer de très belles Fêtes malgré la distance qui vous sépare de vos familles.

Joyeux Noel & Bonne Année et que cette année 2007 vous apporte Santé, Amour et propérité à vous ainsi qu'à tous ceux qui vous sont précieux.

Nous sommes fière de vous tous.

Adjudant Alain Picard & sa famille
5 ieme Régiment d'Artillerie Légère du Canada.
BFC Valcartier, Québec, Canada

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Joel - 12/15/2006 [14:30]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

Dear troops,
I hope it's going great there in Afganistan. So far it's great in  Okotoks. How is the climate out there? In Okotoks we do not have very much snow. Did you know that we have many chinooks. The weather changes quickly?
Hope you get a letter from your family soon.

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Jonathan - 12/15/2006 [14:29]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

Hi my name is Jonathan.I have a joke for you:Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?...Because he didn't have the guts to.        Merry Christmas.

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Carolyn and Travis - 12/15/2006 [14:28]
Cambridge, Ontario,, Canada

Wishing you all the safest holiday possible and hoping that everyone comes back home safely.  We see it in the news, we see it on the TV and we read about it in the paper and we all tell our kids that you - every one - are heros that are supporting our country and helping others to support theirs and keep it as safe as possible.

Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!  ( and let's all hope that the year 2007 can be happier and safer)

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Wyatt - 12/15/2006 [14:26]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

Dear soldiers,
I hope you have a good Christmas but I know your families will miss you.  I bet you want turkey. I hope you get a card and presents from your families.
I wish for peace and no more war.

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LYNDON - 12/15/2006 [14:24]

I pray that he is happy and I hope we make peace.

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Timothy - 12/15/2006 [14:23]
Windsor, Ontario, More poems search - Timothy and Windsor, Canada

My thoughts are of you tonight
As moonbeams trickle on virgin snow
and coldness crunches below my boots

I remember seeing your words
float to my ears on puffs of winter breath
before disappearing into night sky
The harvest orb was our guide
on imagined path in white birched woods
silence interrupted only with our goodbyes
and needed assurances of your safe return

I prayed twice today
One of selfish private concern
wanting so much to be walking with you
and savor this perfect evening
The next, for your battle stationed mates,
the people that are missing them tonight,
and all others caught outside this season’s peace

I sit upon the frozen river's knoll
eyes fixed on glittered stars
My thoughts are of you tonight

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Tory - 12/15/2006 [14:19]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

Dear Afganistan Readers
I can not believe it is 10 days 'till Christmas!!!!  Here in Okotoks we usually have a magnificent, mouth-watering Turkey Dinner!!!  I wonder what you troops get for Christmas dinner? My family puts up 2 Christmas Trees. One of them is fake and one is real!  I have been celebrating Christmas for 9 years now.  I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

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Karter - 12/15/2006 [14:19]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

I hope you have a safe Merry Chistmas this year!Every year we have a delicious turkey dinner with stuffing,buns,gravy,and butter to top off the buns.I would send you a present but that is not possible!I am so sorry!I would very much like to hear about your life some day!And once again have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Scott - 12/15/2006 [14:17]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

Hello my name is Scott Boyden.Whats yours? I have a joke for you. Why did the students study
in an airplane... to get a higher
education! I hope you liked the joke.
Have a safe Christmas!

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Daniel - 12/15/2006 [14:13]
, Alberta,, Okotoks

MeRRY CHRISTMAS. I hope the Afganistan war ends soon. There's a litte snow here in Okotoks. My family is going to put up a Christmas tree soon. What are you doing for Christmas?  I hope you see your family soon.

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Jeremy - 12/15/2006 [14:13]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

Do you know Ryrn Flavelle? He's in the Reserves. He is going to Afganistan next year. Your mom and dad must be very proud of you going to Afganistan. Merry Christmas to all!

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Sheldon - 12/15/2006 [14:11]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

Dear troops.
I hope you are having a good time.We just had our school Christmas concert.My class sang OLD KING COLE. We have very little snow here right now.
Merry Christmas

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Austin - 12/15/2006 [14:01]
Okotoks, Alberta,, Canada

Dear Soldiers
I hope your having a great time in Afganistan and a Merry Christmas and your Christmas tree is bright with lights.You probably want a turkey dinner and wish its not cold like your freeze dried kind of taste. Now here's some stuff about me and my friends and where I live.I  live in Okotoks, Alberta and the weather sucks right now because there is barely any snow for our Christmas surprise.My friends and I are emailing you soldiers. That's all I have to say. But one more thing, I hope you get a letter from your family and a Merry Christmas surprise.

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Kayla - 12/15/2006 [14:00]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Enjoy the holidays!

Come home safe,
Come home sound,
Come home soon!

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