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hami - 12/14/2006 [21:08]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

dear friends,
i just wanted to send you my best wishes to you and your friends that you stay safe. Merry chrismas and a happy new year to all.

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Hannah - 12/14/2006 [21:04]
Calagry, Alberta,, Canada

Merry Christmas or Happy Hannukah,
I am very happy you are out in Afganistan to fight for peace.  I watch the news a lot and see what progress you are making.  I hope the best will come and that not very many people will too injured or die.  I will think of you.  Your families love you.

Merry Christmas (or Hannukah)

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Joanne - 12/14/2006 [21:04]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Thank you for you dedication to our beautiful country! I am very grateful for your commitment and sacrifice (that keeps you away from your family & friends), that allow us to experience freedom. I wish you a very Merry Christmas! May God bless you and keep you safe in His care. Thank you for who you are and all you represent to us home here in Canada. Sending hugs & warm wishes!!

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Kyleigh - 12/14/2006 [21:04]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Merry Chrismas to you, Hope your doi ng goood in Afghanistan, Thanks for fighting for peace in Afghanistan. Hope you like my e-mail,

A kid from Canada,

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JEREMY - 12/14/2006 [21:04]

Hi thank you for keeping  our country  safe.  Have a  merry      chirstmas.

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Gillian - 12/14/2006 [21:03]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

I hope you have a merry christmas and a happy new year!
Your friend Gillian

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Jesse - 12/14/2006 [21:03]
, ,, Canada

I wish u good luck and thnks for fighting for canada and like I sort of appreciate it because i dont like war

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Renee - 12/14/2006 [21:02]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

Dear Troops,
Thank you for trying to keep people safe.Merry Christmas. Come back soon.
From Renee.

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geoff - 12/14/2006 [21:02]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

Thank you for keeping peace in the world. Merry Chistmas

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Laura - 12/14/2006 [21:02]
, ,, Canada

Have a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very mery Christmas. thanx.

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Tasha - 12/14/2006 [21:02]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

On behalf of my three kids and I, we'd like to thank you for doing what we can't. I appreciate everything you're doing and going to be doing for us, your country, and for yourself. I admire your courage and strength. God bless you and those around you. Have a great Christmas and hope you're home soon.......safe.
Love from the Brown Family

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Marielle - 12/14/2006 [21:01]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Merry Christmas! to youI hope you will be home soon.

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Whitecotton - 12/14/2006 [21:01]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

Mary christmas every body I hope you
you have a wonderful christmas and I hope you can come back to canada very soon so you could spend christmas with your family's.And also I am 10 years old and one of the things I want for christmas is for all of you to return to canada so you can spend all holidays with family and friends.

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Gillian - 12/14/2006 [21:01]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

I hope tuo have a very merry christmas and a happy new year!
Your friend Gillian

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steven - 12/14/2006 [21:01]
CAlgary A.B., Alberta,, Canada

Dear Troops,

Thank you for fighting for freedom and thank you for helping other countries. Have a good Christmas troops!

Your friend,
Steven, Grade 2

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Seyed Masoud Mostofi - 12/14/2006 [20:59]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Salam I am writting this message to you to thank you for defending the freedom with a great sacrifice while i am attending a Christmas gathering at the school of my daugther who is in grade five her name is Hamisheh_Naz pretty long name hey! but I am sure you know the meaning it is in farsi and means always prety we are originaly from Iran though my daughter was born in england and has never seen Iran the reason we can not go and visit is because I converted into christianity 19 years ago and you know what the result will be if they ever get me but I want to tell you as candian citizens we love you and we very much apreciate what you are doing for us and for the whole world God bless you Mery Christmas Hamisheh naz and Masoud Mostofi

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Levesque - 12/14/2006 [20:58]
calgary, Alberta,, Canada

marry christmas
and a happy new year
chrismas is 11 days away
I am 10 years old and can hardly wait.
Iam hoping to go snow boarding over the holidays.
My friend Bill is writing too.
We hope to get together during the holidays. If the snow stays we can go tobogganning.
I just had a white hot chocolate from Starbucks, my mom had a Chi tea, wish you could join us, maybe soon God wills.
I thank you for your bravery and commitment, you are special people.
We wish you and your family much love and joy in the new year.

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Sam - 12/14/2006 [20:58]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Merry Christmas and thankyou for fighting for our freedom.

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Riley - 12/14/2006 [20:57]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Merry christmas.Hope you come home soon.
thank you for fighting for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How do you feel about being away from home?

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Isabella - 12/14/2006 [20:56]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Dear Soldiers in Afghanistan,
I really thank you for all your wonderful help in protecting our country and the world around us. I hope you all are safe at this very moment and that you will stay safe throughout your long journey. I will start praying at least once a week to keep you all safe.
Best regards,

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