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Issue 1/06 – 25 January 2006

TABLE OF CONTENTS bullet New CEOTP opens doors for serving personnel, recruits bullet Join the recruiting team for a day, for your next posting bullet 2005 Index of articles bullet New Veterans Charter on the way: New charter meets needs of veterans, families bullet Veterans Charter FAQ bullet New Veterans Charter scenarios bullet Chemical Warfare Agent Testing Recognition Program application deadline approaching bullet UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti medal

Veterans Charter FAQ

Q: Why do we need a new Veterans Charter?

A: The new Veterans Charter is being developed to address the unique needs of today’s CF veterans. The average age of releasing CF personnel is 36 – an age when you and your family need assistance as you transition from your career in the Forces to civilian employment. In addition, some of you may require support to address health problems resulting from your service.

Q: How will the proposed programs assist families?

A: The new Veterans Charter will provide family support in a number of areas: health benefits coverage; rehabilitation counselling; family counselling; case management; access to the rehabilitation program, including vocational assistance and job placement assistance (if the veteran is not able to participate); and, if needed, payment of child care expenses for clients receiving rehabilitation/vocational assistance.

Q: What will the package provide for survivors?

A: In the tragic circumstance of the death of a member of the CF due to military service, his/her survivors would be eligible for financial support (Earnings Loss and, where applicable, Canadian Forces Income Support) and rehabilitation/vocational services, as well as a lump sum Disability Award of up to $250 000.

When a CF member or Veteran dies from a condition or injury for which a Disability Award has already been provided, or would have been provided if application had been made, eligible survivors would receive a lump sum Disability Award up to $250,000, less the amount of the Disability Award already paid during the CF member or Veteran's lifetime. Any benefits payable to survivors entitled under the Pension Act would continue as well.

In the event a CF member suffers a sudden, servicerelated death, a lump sum Death Benefit of $250 000 may also be awarded.

Q: What will this package provide for dependent children?

A: CF veterans participating in a rehabilitation plan may be reimbursed a portion of their childcare expenses. In addition, a veteran in receipt of CF Income Support may also receive an additional payment for any dependent children.

In cases of service-related death, dependent children may be eligible for a portion of the Disability Award and/or Death Benefit. Dependent children may be eligible for a portion of the Earnings Loss payment and may also be eligible for a Canadian Forces Income Support payment. Dependent children of eligible survivors may also receive health coverage under the Health Benefits Program. They may continue to be eligible for education assistance.

Q: Will it take more or less time under the new system to receive benefits?

A: It will take less time to receive most of the new charter’s programs and services because eligibility for programs and services will no longer be based on the receipt of a disability pension. VAC’s front-line staff will have decision-making authority and the necessary tools to address the needs of CF veterans and their families.

While decisions on the Disability Award will likely take about the same amount of time as the current disability pension, the key difference is that the Disability Award will not be the only gateway to VAC programs and services.

Q: Where can I get more information?

A: Visit Veterans Affairs Canada or telephone 1-866-522-2122 (English) or
1-866-522-2022 (French) for more FAQs on the new Veterans Charter.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS bullet New CEOTP opens doors for serving personnel, recruits bullet Join the recruiting team for a day, for your next posting bullet 2005 Index of articles bullet New Veterans Charter on the way: New charter meets needs of veterans, families bullet Veterans Charter FAQ bullet New Veterans Charter scenarios bullet Chemical Warfare Agent Testing Recognition Program application deadline approaching bullet UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti medal