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Submission guidelines

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As soon as you know you would like to run something, let us know, even if that something is not yet ready. Canadian Forces Personnel Newsletter has a five-week production cycle: forewarned is published; last-minute is not.


  • Must be approved by all stakeholders before they are submitted to CFPN, with e-mailed/written approvals forwarded to CFPN with the article(s).
  • May be submitted in English or French.
  • Should be as long or short as they need to be to get the message out.
  • Must include rank(s)(if military)/first and last name(s)/job title(s)/unit(s) of author(s).
    • Example: By Capt(N) Joan Smith, DTEP/DLPDSP
  • Must answer the who/what/when/where/why/how questions, and provide background material if necessary.
  • Must include acronyms and their full equivalents.
  • Should be accompanied by at least one photo/graphic/chart/whatever (see below).
  • Tip: Quotes put a human face on your article. You should include the ranks(if military)/first and last names/job titles/units/whatever of those quoted.
    • Example: “…,” said John Smith, DGLPD HDL Project Manager.
  • Tip: You know where the natural breaks occur in your text, or what section of info would make a nice factbox; feel free to make design/layout suggestions accordingly.
  • Reminder: Articles will be edited for grammar, spelling, usage, style and length.


  • If the source of the photo (graphic/table/chart/whatever) is other than the author, written permission for its use and contact info for the holder of the copyright/owner of the property must be forwarded to CFPN with the item(s).
  • Must be scanned at 300 dpi, sized at 6x4/4x6 inches, and saved as .jpgs at quality level 8, baseline optimized, OR
  • Must be scanned or digitally shot at 72 dpi, sized at about 22x16/16x22 inches, and saved as .jpgs at high quality.
  • Should feature faces, faces, faces and/or action, action, action.
  • Tip: Grip-and-grins are sometimes necessary but never desirable. If possible, shoot them in front of an interesting background or from an interesting/unusual angle.
  • Tip: Group shots are sometimes necessary but never desirable. Shoot the office worker reclining on a desk amid co-workers; the soldier up a ladder; the driver in his side-view mirror; etc.
  • Tip: Avoid flag poles/utility poles/masts/trees sprouting from peoples' heads and shoulders.
  • Tip: Avoid hat/visor shadows blackening faces; avoid your reflection in their glasses
  • Tip: Remember to rotate your camera; a selection of vertical and horizontal shots is desirable.

…Photo Captions/File info

  • Must include a complete description (who/what/where/when) of the photo.

…Photo credits

  • Must include the ranks(if military)/first and last names/postings of photographers.
    • Example: LS André Belanger, HMCS WHATEVER

Our motto: There's no such thing as too much copy or too many photos/graphics/charts/whatever.

We look forward to receiving your material.