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Timothy - 12/15/2006 [14:23]
Windsor, Ontario, More poems search - Timothy and Windsor, Canada

My thoughts are of you tonight
As moonbeams trickle on virgin snow
and coldness crunches below my boots

I remember seeing your words
float to my ears on puffs of winter breath
before disappearing into night sky
The harvest orb was our guide
on imagined path in white birched woods
silence interrupted only with our goodbyes
and needed assurances of your safe return

I prayed twice today
One of selfish private concern
wanting so much to be walking with you
and savor this perfect evening
The next, for your battle stationed mates,
the people that are missing them tonight,
and all others caught outside this season’s peace

I sit upon the frozen river's knoll
eyes fixed on glittered stars
My thoughts are of you tonight

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